Elemental Conversion

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Adelda was a low ranking Immortal in terms of her cultivation base, so it took her some time to figure it out. But thanks to her talent as a Literati, her knowledge of the science of magic was great.

As a descendant of High Elves and High Humans that specialised in research, she had a plethora of knowledge about runes and magic theory available. Hence when she scanned the spell and realised what spell was imbued, she was horrified.

'Those runes, he is summoning him!'

Adelda looked above the array and noticed that electrical energy started to gather. The water molecules gathered, forming a cluster of clouds that crackled with Nordic thunder.

'He is summoning the Odinson!'


Advanced usage of Frozen Asgard Arts, a stunning display of mana control, a mage's disposition, Loki's Substitution and usage of The Realms of Perspective. A combination of the above caused Hercules to make a speculation.

'Could he be linked to him?' a specific deity came to mind when Hercules started thinking of who could make Athena stutter.

'If he was the boy's backer, then it certainly could frighten Athena. But not to such an extent. Or perhaps he is stronger than I thought? But he is a pure mage whereas the boy has both mage and warrior skills, unless he asked his brother to help with that... '

Odysseus had also assumed the same train of thought as Hercules. A specific Norse deity came to mind when he looked at Will fighting, but there were still inconsistencies.


In a realm far beyond the reach of mortal man, a magnificent deity stood within the confines of a magnificent cavern. Within the very heart of this cavern lay an enchanted pool, its waters glowing with a mystic light that shone with the glamour of the divine. As the deity gazed deep into the magical pool, the images of a fierce battle flickered across the surface, flashing with all the splendor of the gods.

"Amusing," thundered the deity, with an omnipotent voice that echoed through the cavern, bouncing off the walls and resounding with a quake that rocked the very earth.

"My father has procured himself a new plaything indeed."

Then, from the darkness below appeared a slim figure, garbed in a sleek black cloak. His ghostly-white skin was radiant in the luminescent waters, while his dark locks of hair flowed with the rich consistency of glistening tar. His eyes shone with a wicked glint, as he surveyed the fierce battle within the pool.

His voice rang out like a thousand tinkling bells - "Ha ha ha!" cried the mischievous figure.

"How quaint! Truly a wondrous sight to behold! To think father would use me as a scapegoat! And they call me mischievous. How laughable."

With a sly grin, the otherworldly being continued to stare down into the enchanted waters, an ever-present air of mischief surrounding him like a cloak.

The deity reached out his slender white hand and was about to touch the pool of water when an all too familiar sensation appeared on his shoulder. The weight of Uru metal and its feel was something he would never mistake in his life.

It was as if a mountain of thunderous violent power had placed itself seamlessly onto his shoulder. It was violent yet contained, explosive yet controlled. A power that not only sealed his movements but also sealed his energy.

"Brother, it's not you who father is using as a scapegoat. So don't bother. Besides, I wasn't done talking to you."

The slender dark haired deity gulped and calmed himself. He did not want to anger the man behind him. Be it Odin, be it Zeus, he would cower like this before neither. But the man behind him was a different being altogether.

" I understand big brother, no need to fret, I was just having a jest. But how do you know the one being used as a scapegoat by father is you?"

The weight on the dark-haired deity disappeared giving him time to relax. He did not bother looking back at his older brother and simply gazed at Will in the waters. Trying to see what he missed. The deep, commanding voice behind him thundered in contempt," Don't forget who taught you how to master the Realms of Perspective. If I had not linked you to that mortal you would still be just a useless trickster. Besides, negative energy isn't just about the cold. There is another purer form of negative energy that occurs in nature. One that I command greater than any other being.'' The arrogance and pride in the speaker's tone were obvious, but it had an odd sincerity to it the listener did not doubt.

The dark-haired deity noticed the electrical energy that started to gather within the array. The thunderclouds above started to emanate a force he was all too familiar with

'I see. Negative energy, if brother claimed himself to be the second greatest divinity of negative energy, few could dare claim to be fist.'


As the array lit up, the lines floated upward, becoming a complex three-dimensional diagram. Will's clone continued to pull the prince, but this time, more three-dimensional movements were added in.

A two-dimensional array and a three-dimensional array were two very different concepts. Just as how it was harder to draw a cube than it was to draw a square. Three-dimensional arrays were much more demanding on one's mind and spatial awareness.

"Look, lightning and thunder-type energy are manifesting!"

"He is an expert in lightning magic as well?"

"At first I thought there was a chance he could have been taught to emulate Loki. Or perhaps he was a student of Loki's school, similar to how the Frozen Asgard Sect has the backing of a disciple of Freya. Freya and Loki were both rumoured to be involved in the creation of the Frozen Asgard Arts. But now this lightning has changed everything."

"I could be wrong, but is it just me or is this the elemental conversion?"

"That's right! He isn't using lightning element energy directly. He is actually creating lightning by using water element energy and polarising it with negative energy. Indirectly creating lightning! Using one element to produce or manipulate another, Elemental Conversion!"

"Parallel casting an array with elemental conversion, what a show of the Path of Technique. This boy is a talented extremist of skill and efficiency. Not to mention, feel the divine power gathering."

"Yeah, I can feel the divine power gathering. The array is meant to summon some sort of deity, but who?"

"Is your brain for decoration? Who else can it be besides him!? " 

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