Communication: I Missed You Too Buddy

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Will drew the sword with his right hand and looked across the swords flat side. He stared at his own reflection within the sword and calmly contemplated what had just happened.

'I missed you too buddy.'

Will did not notice, but the moment he held the sword, his entire bearing changed. Pure unbridled sword force coagulated and concentrated around him. His entire figure released a sharp, relentless aura caused the air in the room to become a bit heavier. This aura was nothing in terms of quantity when compared to the divine aura leaking from the two gods, yet despite this, it did not lose out in terms of quality.

'Such a pure sword force, the purity of his Intent matches his odd temperament toward swords. His Anti-Divinity has firmly latched itself to the Sword Force and made it a threat to divine power. This boy's list of mental and spiritual talents truly makes one feel uncomfortable.' Athena calmly analysed.

'On the topic of spiritual talents...' Will had another change that immediately caught the attention of the others.

A frigid chill amalgamated within the room, contrasting the warm and vigorous positive energy Athena and Narcissus were releasing. Will's skin gained an odd white tint as if he had been covered in chalk dust. His every breath release a icy air that created mist, almost as if he was standing in a frozen landscape that could freeze all life in seconds.

'He has polarized all the energy we have allowed him to access within the room, this kid is the real deal. His ability to change the charge of energies makes him a perfect Judge.' Analyzed Hou Yi. As a master of Pure Yang Arts, Hou Yi knew a thing or two about the nature of energies.

With each breathe, a vast amount of World Energy entered and left Will's body, each turn bringing a greater amount of energy than the last.

'So this is his Breath.'

The Breath was a higher sense that allowed one to temporarily become a conduit for World Energy. Giving one access to vast amounts of power, but one first had to be a good enough vessel.

'When he cut the Atlas Columns and fought Jingsung Ha, his body was still a weak vessel. Now that all his vessels have been harmonised and his body can handle the strain, his Breath has become much more stable and domineering.' Hercules mused.

Modus took this opportunity to speak.

"Your Unbound Vector is a combination of Yin Type Energy, Sword Force, The Breath and Anti-Divinity. But what came out was far from complete. Follow my next instructions very carefully. Hold your sword tight. Fill it with your Intent, feel its perspective, don't just wield the sword. Instead, ask yourself this, what is it like to be wielded?"

Will responded by griping the blade with both hands. He tried to imagine himself as a sword. What was it like to be held? What was it like having the energy and intentions of other beings constantly run through you? For others this was an odd and abstract train of thought, but for Will, it was not that far from what he thought of.

A change to Will's Sword Force caught the attention of those observing. Sword Force was a sword attributed energy born from Intent mixing with the soul. But not the soul of the user, but the soul of an attribute. Will leveraged his Sword Force from having his Intent call out to the 'soul' of the metal attribute within the sword.

"Till now you have been subconsciously calling the soul of the sword, but it was nascent attempt at best. Now for the next important questiowhat is a soul?

It is not only the living that have souls. Everything in this universe is made up of the three vessels. But only the truly gifted can interact with the spirits of the inanimate.

To understand the sword's perspective, you must be capable of interacting with its soul, something you just did a moment ago, albeit only for a fraction of a second.

One of the reasons you were banned from using sword related skills was to increase your sensitivity to your sword. You had become numb to it and were overloading it with your presence. There is no need to shout when the person you are speaking to is close by, otherwise they will not hear you. Every time you released your overbearing Intent, you were effectively 'shouting' in the spiritual sense, making you incapable of 'hearing' your own sword. Now, listen to it, your sword has a voice, it has a soul. It has a perspective!"

Modus' worlds rung true in Will's mind like thunder in a clear sky. Will felt as if he was an ignorant mortal who had been enlightened by an empyrean from the ninth heaven.

'I see, so this is what I was missing.'

Like a thirsty man who had been lost in a desert, Will drank from the waters of Modus' wisdom. His formerly unbridled Sword Force changed in nature, returning back to his own body. His yin type yuan became more reserved, while his Breath gained a hint of restraint. Will no longer saw himself as 'Will Chamberlain' observing a foe, but rather a sword that was pointed at the enemy. But this perspective brought a new conundrum to the lad.

'If I am a sword, who is wielding me?'

Will felt as if he was on the cusp of grasping something important, but he was a few steps behind his goal. His breath became slightly unsteady, as the World Energy coursing through him started to show signs of rampaging. This caused Adelda to panic a bit.

'Will is on the verge of deviation, at this rate the Breath will kill him! What is he thinking about?'

The Breath required a steady mind without doubt, and if one was not stable, they could die from their own Breath. Jingsung Ha had once suffered from a backlash from the Breath and was sensitive to the topic. He stepped forward to interfere, only to feel the steady hand of the Hou Yi stop him. Jingsung looked to the side with visible annoyance, "The boy will die at this rate. This is after all Modus the Mad, he has incited a power the boy can't control."

Hou Yi chuckled and said, "If there really was danger, the All-Father would have acted before you did Young Master."

Jingsung Ha calmed himself down. Hou Yi was indeed correct, no one present knew more about guidance than Odin. The man in question himself still had a look of nonchalance, and gazed on as if he was watching a relaxing sunset. Odin had invested quite a bit in Will, even exposing himself to Zeus. An act he did not do often. He did not like others knowing about his actions. But he had willingly revealed himself to be Will's backer, hence he would allow his investment to die easily on his watch.

"People say I'm a better teacher than Modus, and that is for the most touch true. But that statement does not apply to the mad. When it comes to teaching the insane, Modus is indeed peerless, he just needed someone capable of matching is madness and singular desire."

Odin's evaluation of Modus caught everyone's attention, even Adelda. Many things could be derived from those words.

'That means, Will is as mad as Lord Modus?'

Adelda found this extremely hard to believe. Will was not typical, but in her opinion he was far from mad, he still had quite a bit of sanity.

"I hate to admit this, but there is a strong relationship between one's rationality and the strength of the mind. The less sane a being is, the stronger their mind. I dare anyone here to mention five beings with a mind stronger than Modus' own."

No one there could respond. The most knowledgeable of the group, Athena, Odysseus and Hou Yi remained quiet. Meaning that the All Father's words had meaning to them.


AN: For those who want early access to chapters go ahead to our patreon (link in the book description) and get access to over 70 advanced chapters of SSS available for download as a pdf/epub/word doc on Google Drive for only 5 dollars a month. For those who keep voting and commenting thank you so much for your support. Hope you have had a great December so far. Now let's see what's in store for our hero next...

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