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Author's Note: For those who want early access to chapters go ahead to our patreon (patreon.com/theonionjunktion) and get access to over 70 advanced chapters of SSS available for download as a pdf/epub/word doc on google drive for only 5 dollars a month. For those who keep voting and commenting thank you so much for your support. Hope you have had a great December so far. Now let's see what's in store for our hero next...


High in the celestial realm, a solitary giant rose above the fluffy tapestry of heavenly clouds—the formidable peak of Mount Olympus. Its rugged visage, weathered by the eternal passage of time, exuded an air of awe-inspiring majesty that seemed to whisper ancient tales of divine power. This mountain, ever embraced by the heavens, stood as the sacred abode of gods and goddesses, their ethereal realm amidst the mortal world.

As the sun cast its radiant glow upon the towering summit, a vibrant panorama unfolded before the eyes of any fortunate enough to witness it. Verdant forests stretched across the foothills, their emerald canopies hiding secrets known only to the denizens of this heavenly realm. Cascading waterfalls adorned the rocky slopes, their crystalline tendrils cascading with grace and rejuvenating the land below.

Within this paradise of beauty and mystery, gods and goddesses, adorned in garments of iridescent silk, mingled and conversed amidst fragrant breezes. Minor deities strolled along meandering pathways, their immortal forms shimmering with an inner radiance. Sprightly nymphs danced and laughed, their melodious voices blending with the whispers of the wind. Laughter echoed, as the celestial inhabitants indulged in joyous banter and whimsical pranks, their immortal lives a tapestry woven with laughter and camaraderie.

Amidst this ethereal tableau, one could catch fragments of captivating conversations. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, regaled fellow deities with tales of his travels through the mortal realm, his voice carrying the excitement of discovery and adventure. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, whispered sweet words of affection to her adoring entourage, their hearts swelling with passion in her presence. Artemis, the fierce huntress, shared tales of her valorous pursuits, her bow and arrow ever at the ready.

Occasionally, the strains of celestial music filled the air, as the Muses weaved their harmonious melodies, inspiring the very essence of creativity. Nearby, Apollo, the god of music and light, played his golden lyre, his dulcet tones resonating through the mountainside, creating a symphony of celestial enchantment. It was in these melodies that the soul of Greek culture found its essence, immortalized in stories, poems, and epics that captivated generations.

At the heart of this divine tableau, Zeus, the mighty king of the gods, presided over his realm with a benevolent gaze. His thunderous voice reverberated through the mountaintop, commanding respect and obedience from the assembled deities. Under his watchful eye, they found solace and purpose, their immortal lives enriched by the grandeur and wisdom he imparted... Or so most mortals believed.

As the day drew to a close and the celestial tapestry transformed into a night adorned with a thousand stars, the inhabitants of Mount Olympus continued their revelry, illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight. The mountain stood as a testament to the splendor of the gods, a beacon of power and beauty that pierced the heavens, forever etched in the annals of Greek mythology.

Within the resplendent halls of Zeus' palace on Mount Olympus, a moment of perplexing significance unfolded. The divine inhabitants, gods and goddesses alike, were abruptly dismissed from their celestial sanctuary by Zeus himself, their departure met with silence and puzzlement. None dared question the mighty king of the gods, for his will was law, and his intentions, as enigmatic as the stormy depths of the sea.

Amidst the bewildered crowd, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, stood as a paragon of ethereal allure. Her golden tresses cascaded like liquid sunlight, framing a visage that embodied the very essence of desire. Her eyes, the color of sapphire oceans, sparkled with an otherworldly charm, captivating all who gazed upon them. The delicate curvature of her lips held a promise of passion and enchantment, their rosy hue drawing hearts into a dance of longing. Her graceful form, draped in flowing robes of gossamer silk, accentuated every gentle curve, radiating an irresistible magnetism that compelled mortal and deity alike to succumb to her charms.

Beside her stood Ares, the god of war, an imposing figure adorned in gleaming armor that mirrored the blaze of his inner fury. His muscular frame exuded an aura of raw power and dominance, his every movement evoking the prowess of a battle-hardened warrior. Ares' face, chiseled and rugged, bore the marks of countless conflicts, an eternal reminder of the price of victory. His fiery eyes burned with a smoldering intensity, reflecting both the tempestuousness of war and a dangerous allure. His voice carried a hint of arrogance, a testament to his divine birthright and a challenge to any who dared oppose him.

As the gods and goddesses dispersed, Zeus remained seated upon his majestic throne, a seat of authority befitting the king of the gods. The palace itself was a testament to divine craftsmanship and opulence. Columns of alabaster rose toward the heavens, supporting an intricately carved ceiling adorned with golden constellations that mirrored the night sky. Sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns upon the marble floor, while gentle breezes carried the fragrance of ambrosia and nectar.

Zeus, surrounded by thunderclouds crackling with electric energy, exuded an aura of power that surpassed the mortal realm. His deep voice, rumbling like distant thunder, echoed through the halls, mingling with the sound of crashing waves. With each word, his overbearing and lustful nature permeated the atmosphere, leaving no doubt as to his desires and whims.

"Stay, Aphrodite, and you, Ares," Zeus commanded, his gaze fixed upon them. "Your presence pleases me, and you shall bear witness to the glory of my might." The gods, surprised yet obedient, approached the throne and knelt before their sovereign, a testament to his unrivaled authority.

With an air of grandiosity, Zeus began to regale his captive audience with tales of his past triumphs, his voice a symphony of self-praise. He spoke of the epic battles against the titans, his valor and cunning showcased as he recounted the perilous struggle that led to the rescue of his siblings from the clutches of Cronus, the Titan king. As he spoke, flashes of lightning crackled through the air, a celestial ballet accompanying his narrative.

Each deity, in accordance with their divine nature, exhibited their own supernatural phenomena. Aphrodite, while seated at Zeus' feet, emanated an ethereal glow that cast a radiant aura of love and desire, enveloping all within its reach. Ares, kneeling by her side, seemed to draw strength from the very air, his presence intensifying the warlike energy that permeated the room, causing the ground to tremble ever so slightly.

After his tales, an odd flicker of wisdom flashed in his eyes as he pointed at Ares.

"Now that I have reminded of how incredible I am, you should hear the real reason you are here. You are here because you know about war."

Then he shifted his finger at Aphrodite and said, "And you started it!"

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