The Battle of Kolladas

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A few minutes later, Duke arrived at his destination. He led the pursuers through the dense jungle, moving slowly and methodically to not expend any additional energy. As the hours passed, the sound of battle grew louder and more chaotic.

Finally, Duke reached the edge of a cliff overlooking a massive flatland, where tens of thousands of human warriors and mages were locked in a gruesome and bloody battle with a large horde of ogres defending a large stronghold.

He stood on a precipice overlooking a battlefield in the distance. The large conflict unfolded like a painting of chaos and desperation. The battlefield was littered with the bodies of the fallen, and the stench of death hung heavy in the air. Ogres flooded the flatland, their monstrous forms casting shadows over the land. The air reverberated with the clash of weapons and the anguished cries of the dying. Duke's heart sank as he bore witness to the gruesome carnage before him, his senses overwhelmed by the scenes of destruction.

Rather than merely feeling a sense of dread, Duke's hands trembled as he gripped The Sun Chasing Bow tighter. The sight of the war between humans and ogres stirred a mix of emotions within him, a cocktail of fear, anger, and determination. The metallic scent of blood reached his nostrils, mingling with the acrid stench of charred flesh, and his stomach churned with revulsion. But he quickly adjusted his mind. His pursuers were only a few minutes behind him; he did not have the time to show weakness. He had asked the Villagers from Tsimikas to use guerrilla tactics to slow them down, but they could only buy him 5 minutes at best.

From his vantage point at a safe distance, Duke's eyes roved over the battlefield, his gaze following the ebb and flow of the conflict. His eyes were like binoculars, taking into account every detail he could. Alice had kept him up to date with everything, allowing him to have a good understanding of the clash. Everything from troop distribution to casualties was presented to him on the map function. Unlike Will, other users had access to the system map at all times. Alice's class Scholar allowed her to directly input information on other people's interfaces so long as she had permission.

, 'Without Alice, we would be in trouble. She has made everything much easier. Do I have a shot with her?' Duke wondered as he gazed at the battlefield.

The clash of swords and the luminous arcs of spells lit up the sky, creating a symphony of violence. The sprawling area, known as The Kolladas Plains, was a grim testament to the long-standing dominance of the ogres. For centuries, they had ruled over this region, their grip on power unyielding.

On the horizon, Duke's attention was drawn to the new force that had emerged from the neighbouring region of Ta Dasi. United with other Villages, they head rallied to challenge the ogres' reign in a bold offensive. It was a desperate stand against the brutality that had plagued their lands for far too long. The Villagers fought valiantly, their weapons glinting in the sunlight while spells crackled through the air like ethereal lightning bolts. The new force, of course, was his Village, Tsimikas.

Duke's eyes fixed on the clashes between warriors, each engagement a microcosm of life and death. The combatants locked in mortal combat, their faces etched with grim determination. Steel clashed against steel, resounding like a symphony of danger, as the warriors danced a deadly ballet of skill and instinct. It was a desperate struggle, a fight for survival that left no room for hesitation.

Amidst the chaos, a powerhouse mage from a local Village soared above the fray, a beacon of arcane power. With a sweeping motion of their hands, torrents of fire engulfed a group of ogre warriors, transforming them into charred husks. Their agonized screams pierced the air, only to be swallowed by the cacophony of battle.

Duke's gaze continued to dart across the battlefield, witnessing the scattered skirmishes that dotted the landscape. The struggle seemed unending, neither side gaining a decisive advantage. Ogres towered over humans, their immense size and raw strength posing a formidable challenge. But the humans pressed on, united by a shared purpose that burned bright within their hearts. The locals especially yearned to rid their lands of the ogre menace, reclaim their freedom and ensure a future for their children.

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