Battle of Bidron's Ridge

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"You honestly believe you can defeat that boy?" questioned Adelda. She gave Will a frosty expression that made her doubt very clear. She had no intention of coddling him in any way and made sure to be as direct as possible. This was a trial by fire. It was meant to forge the young Will into a weapon suitable for Modus' intentions. Thus she welcomed trials like Ulysses Rijkaard. There was however an issue.

'This is too soon. Will is a late bloomer who started cultivation late. If he faces an opponent of Ulysses Rijkaard' s nature, the odds of him dying are high.'

There was a rumor in the cultivation world that Adda had sought to verify the moment she heard of Rijkaard's participation in this tournament. She had access to information across the entire sector so finding out his background was easy. Especially considering how much of a celebrity he was

'Ulysses Rijkaard has killed millions of living beings because he has trouble controlling his power.'

Unfortunately the rumor was quite true.

Rijkaard was born with a high energy affinity and an even greater energy capacity. He was a walking World Energy generator. According to rumors whenever he got serious the local maps would always have to change. He was a being who could wipe out a city with an ordinary fireball spell. Yet ironically he was a good natured individual. Hence to prevent future tragedies he spent most of his time focusing on training energy control, which he struggled with often.

'Even though he is restricted heavily by Silverton and his own self imposed seals, he could still kill the brat with one mistake because of his overwhelming energy output.'

Odin agreed with Adelda in terms of being wary of Ulysses, but he was different. He was a true blue powerhouse on the same level as Modus. He had a bit more insight on the matter but kept quiet and waited for Will's response.

' Modus is no fool. He wouldn't send his student to die. And neither would I.'

"My waifu, I feel you I really do. It sounds impossible but I can beat him. Right now I only have about 40% of beating him. But depending on how well my plan works in the next match, I could raise it to 70%!" said Will with a confident grin.

Adelda looked at Will in a strange way. Making the latter feel like he was a stalker caught in the act of peeoing. Wodin snickered and shook his head.

Adelda raised a brow in surprise and thought carefully for a moment.

'He should know about Rijkaard, because he caused quite a stir. I knew about Rijkaard before I had even started monitoring Earth. Most of his famous acts and feats occurred in areas full of observers that detailed everything. If he is this confident the I will put some faith in him.''

Will started to rewind the battle between Ulysses and the Necromancer over and over.It was a quick battle with little for Will to scrutinize, or so Adelda thought. Wodin on the other hand was pleased by Will so far.

'The boy was arrogant and had a background that was too comfortable for my liking. But Modus made him suffer just enough for me to have something to work with. His ability to learn from his mistakes and the mistakes of others requires a combination of foresight and hindsight.

In his early life, the comfortable environment meant he was complacent. Now that he has no chance but to fight for his life and he has to support himself, his potential can truly blossom.'

To Odin, Will was no different from a wealthy young master who never had to struggle much for anything. Will hadn't even done any chores before he was 13. The only effort he had ever put was in cooking, and that was because he liked the food he cooked best.

But the potential was there. The fuel was there. The catalyst was there.

'All the boy needed was the right spark.'

Odin turned his head to the screen and focused on the image of a deadlocked youth with seemingly no care in the world.

'But might not be a spark. It could be an inferno.'

Will and Adelda conversed for a while as Will explained his plan. The duo were completely unaware of the excitement hidden in Wodin's eye.


When all the round of sixteen matches had been finished, the next round began. The crowd was thoroughly entertained by what they were seeing and talked incessantly about what they had witnessed.

'Many scouts representing prominent organizations and beings have been moved. I can't blame them. Frozen Asgard Arts, The Unrelenting Hunt and Ulysses Rijkaard. Anyone of these can attract a storm but we have all three coming up in the next round.'

Hercules hovered above the arena in his projected form and looked around. Pleased with how things had worked out.

"Mortals of the system, the quarterfinals are about to begin. I urge you to gather all your senses. Because we are about u up witness an extraordinary situation. After all, on another day, then next match would qualify as a final!"

Hercules' words were greeted by a loud cheer from excited fans.

"I'm sure you all remember the battle of Bidron's Ridge?"

Hercules' words caused the crowd to go quiet. Many experts with solemn expressions could barely stop their hands from shaking after hearing those words. It was a battle that happened in a war that involved multiple super powers. Including the Frozen Asgard Sect.

"Then I'm sure you all remember the final clash in that battle." said Hercules with a grin.

There was a brief moment of silence, for everyone to digest his words, but alas it only lasted for a moment.


A loud cheer burst from the crowd as thousands upon thousands of observers rose from their seats. Hercules squinted his eyes in delight, his expression was still calm and composed.

'They still remember. It was some time ago according to their lifespans, but they remember. Good. That makes things easier.'

"Since you remember that battle then I do not need to say anymore. The battle about to occur is a reenactment of the final battle of the war.

A pinnacle mage VS an unbeaten warrior!

Frozen Asgard Arts VS The Unrelenting Hunt!

Negative Energy VS Veritas. Who will win? "

Hercules' words pumped up the crowd, but he was confident that Will would win. At least in this match Will still had a chance.

'This match is certainly a challenge, but the real issue is the flowing round. How will the boy handle the current opponent knowing what's coming for him?' 

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