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Jake yawns as he presses the button for the vending machine. He kept his eyes on the strawberry milk he wanted, patiently waiting for the machine to actually work.

After a few moments of staring at the vending machine, he groans and bangs on it. Jake felt quite a few eyes on him and immediately stopped rubbing the back of his neck and clearing his throat.

All he had to do was stand there and wait. Just wait. It was the only time Jake even wanted strawberry milk, the machine acting up isn't usual at all.

Just as he was about to simply forget about it and leave, he felt someones arms around his shoulders. Heeseung sticked his head closer taking a look at the strawberry milk. "Buy me one too."

Jake averted his gaze to Heeseung and sighed while he pursued his lips against each other. "Maybe If it works I will." Heeseung gave him a confused look and shook the machine, Jake's eyes widened a bit seeing the strawberry milk moving. 

"Hey do it more!" Jake says with a grin and Heeseung does what he's told. Heeseung shook it a bit more, the strawberry milk almost falling.  "Oh my god!" Jake exclaimed hopping, neither of them knew what was so exciting about this. 

Instead of falling, the strawberry milk stayed in its place, Heeseung sighs and let's go. Both blankly stare at the vending machine as if doing that would make it fall. 

"Let's just get going." The younger mutters patting the machine. Just then the strawberry milk successfully falls out. Heeseung grinned and took the strawberry milk, then it hit them that only one fell out.

"Well it looks like we're sharing." 


While walking side by side, Jake takes back the strawberry milk from Heeseung's hands to take a sip. "Alright give it back now." Heeseung says trying to talk it out of the shorter's hands. "Hey! I am!" 

Heeseung lets out a small pout. "You drank enough now!" The two tug on the strawberry milk before Heeseung finally snatches it back. 

Before Heeseung could drink it, Jake got on his tippy-toes and leaned in to drink it while It was in Heeseung's hands. The older gasps and flicks Jake's forehead. 

Jake grins proudly and goes back to walking beside Heeseung, finally allowing the other to take a sip. 

"Did you walk to school with Jay?" Jake asks tilting his head. Heeseung nodded in response while drinking from the straw. 

"He's now off somewhere to find his true love or whatever." Heeseung adds making Jake snort at the thought. "Was he serious about it?"

Heeseung gives him a small smirk. "Very." They both giggle like a few toddlers, sometimes about anything about Jay was funny, he was literally a walking circus. Well, that's only to his friends.

Jake then snatches back the strawberry milk and places the straw in his mouth. "You've drank enough, after all I brought it." The taller gazes at Jake. "And who helped you get it out? You wouldn't have gotten it out if it wasn't for me."

There was no answer to that, Jake quietly continued to sip on the straw. It was truly a cute view, Heeseung softly chuckles and places his hands in his pockets. He then nudges the brunette with a small smile. 

"What's your next class? I'll walk you there." Heeseung tells Jake with a warmer smile. God, Jake could die on that spot and run away. He tried his best not to stutter, without even knowing what was up with himself. 

"I forgot." Jake answers nonchalantly making Heeseung sigh. "Think, Jake, think." Jake groans and stops while trying to remember "I don't know! Probably geography or something."

Without even letting Jake finish that sentence, Heeseung ran away. "I'll walk you to your class some other day when you don't have geography, bye!" 

Wow. Jake pouted to himself taking another sip of his strawberry milk. Being honest, Jake already knows how much their geography teacher hates Heeseung, but he was dramatic enough to feel hurt. "Whatever."

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