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finally finished all the rewriting including this chapter! go read chapter 1, 3, 4, and 5 (all the chapters I rewrote) before reading this one.


The walk home is a symphony of unspoken emotions and internal turmoil. Heeseung's humming sends a ripple of unease through Jake, he finds himself struggling to keep his composure. 

What is he doing, walking alongside the very person who ignites such a storm within him? 

Jake can't seem to think straight, and the boys gaze darts around, avoiding contact with Heeseung's. Each step feels heavy as the air between us thickens with an awkward tension. 

Jake seems to be hyper-aware of Heeseung's presence, their hands dangerously close to each other. Jake's heart races with every brush of our fingers, his mind a whirlwind of 'what ifs' and uncertainty. 

And then it happens—their hands touch. It's a fleeting contact, but it sends a shock through him. Jake blinks, stunned by the simplicity and yet the profoundness of the gesture. Heeseung clears his throat and, with an almost deliberate move, captures Jake's hand in his. 

The touch is hesitant, yet it feels like a bold declaration. The two boys continue to walk, hands entwined, like two kids tentatively exploring the edges of what might be more than just a friendship. 

Jake sighs, feeling like he should pull away, to remember his whole entire plan to get rid of this ridiculous crush. But as their fingers interlock, Jake remembers the feeling of thinking his crush isn't so bad. Heeseung pursues his lips together and nudges Jake. 

"Stop being so awkward, as if I'm your crush." The older says, shaking his head. Jake shoots Heeseung a glare, and huffs. That wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear, but at least he broke that suffocating silence. 

So what if he was being awkward over Heeseung being his crush, Heeseung is just being annoying. 

"I'm not being awkward. And if I was being awkward — which I certainly am not being — it's obviously not because I have a crush on your ass." The shorter says, nudging Heeseung back just a bit more aggressively.

Heeseung chuckles and tilts his head. "I'm sure that's true." He says sarcastically with a snort. Jake stops in his tracks, he turns to face Heeseung and blinks confused. Heeseung thinks Jake has a crush on him? 

"What?" The latter asks humming, before realizing what it seemed like, he also stops in his tracks. "I was talking about you not being awkward. Now quick up" Heeseung says and nudges Jake once again the same way he did a moment ago — except it's more of a shove. 

Jake sighs and continues walking beside Heeseung, it's silent, but not as awkward as before. The taller boy puts his hands in his pockets casually before opening his mouth to speak. 

"You can still tell me anything, I'm your best friend, aren't i?" Heeseung says reassuringly and smiles, making the other boys heart feel all bittersweet. Jake looks away, and clears his throat, Heeseung gives Jake another shove with his bag. 

"What was that for?" The shorter boy groans and rubs his back, he holds his bag loosely and whacks Heeseung with it. Instead of hitting Jake back, Heeseung breaks into giggles. 

The latter blinks confused because of his giggling, he lets out a breathy chuckle looking away. "Gosh, you're so cute." Heeseung says patting Jake's back and walks ahead. 

You're so cute sucet cuetecut cuet sucute cute cudtecuetcuetc cuetcu etcute cuteucte.. 

The way Heeseung said cute kept replaying in Jake's mind before the boy scoffs and walks faster to catch up with Heeseung. As Heeseung continues humming as if absolutely nothing happened, Jake was completely and utterly going insane! 

Sure, Heeseung has called him cute a few times, but it's different now.. Different now that he has the biggest crush in existence on him — his idiotic best friend. 

After letting out another scoff, he gazes at Heeseung, realizing that now's his chance. Now's his chance to finally tell him his dumb feelings, the same feelings hes been trying to get rid of before accpeting them. 

He gulps, what if Heeseung didn't feel the same? What if Heeseung didn't want to be friends with him anymore? 

Jake groans, catching Heeseung's attention, the latter stops for a moment. 

"Look, Heeseung I.. I.. uhm, you know, I.." 

Jake stammers over his words, his stomach filled with this unpleasant feeling. "You what, Jake? Just say it, I'm listening." Heeseung hums and gives the younger a small smile. 

God, fuck it, Jake can not do this. 

"Nevermind." He murmurs and stomps away dramatically, it wasn't much of a big deal, but he still felt the need to act dramatic.

Stomping may or may not have ended up making Jake trip over right on the floor. Heeseung blinks, Jake turns around to Heeseung and blinks too. There's silence before Heeseung burts out laughing hard resulting in Jake's face to burn a bright red shade. 

Right now, all he wanted to do was throw Heeseung off a cliff, take his dead corpse and throw him off a building 7 times, stomp on his stupid body, then burn him, take his ashes and feed them to his family. 

This was by far the most humiliating moment he's had in all his life. 

"Fuck you, Heeseung!" Jake shouts and runs away as dramatic as ever. Leaving the older laughing hard in the middle of the streets. 

"Wait! I walked all this way to walk you home, are you really gonna leave like this!?" Heeseung says in between his laughter, which only reaches the empty street. 

"So cute.."

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