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The bell rang loud and clear, a bit too loud in fact. Jake's head shot right up immediately, banging Heeseung's head which was lightly resting on his. "Ouch.." Heeseung mutters, sleepy eyes and clearly half awake as he rubs his head not without a small yawn. Perhaps maybe the bell being loud wasn't the problem and Jake was simply eager to get out of detention.

 Jake took a quick look at Heeseung, what happened when he was asleep? Hell, that didn't really matter, this room was absolutely suffocating him and it was time for him to leave that shit hole.

 "See you later Heeseung!" Jake beamed with joy as he put on his headphones and skipped away. "It's raining outside where are you going?" Heeseung mumbles while rubbing his eyes, it didn't take long for Jake to be completely out of sight.

 "Hey!" The boy left alone sighs and gets up finding his bag. As he walks out the classroom after grabbing his things, Heeseung takes a look outside and notices all the rain. Surely, Jake wasn't planning on skating in the rain?

 Where even was he if not on his skateboard.. Heeseung's thoughts were quite quickly interuppted when he saw a small figure punching the air outside with a skateboard on the floor. Jake was punching the air like some weirdo. 

God, if it wasn't Jake, Heeseung would be giving that person the most dirty looks. Instead, he found himself lightly chuckling. "Idiot, what are you doing?" Heeseung smiles as he walks over to him. The way Jake immediately stopped with a small tint on his cheeks out of embarassment didn't go unnoticed by the taller. 

There was a quiet sound of music faintly playing in Jake's headphones— which were now around his neck.

 Heeseung looked at the heavy rain in front of them, and then down at Jake's skateboard. The older averted his gaze at the skateboard at Jake, too oblivious to notice maybe the tint on Jake's cheeks weren't just out of embarrassment. 

"Nothing." Jake says rubbing his neck looking about anywhere but at the person standing beside him. For whatever reason Heeseung simply walked foreward, out in the rain, leaving poor Jake no choice but to walk— or skate— after him. 

Jake put his skateboard down and slowly skated beside Heeseung, making sure not to go too slow or too fast. "I could be hanging out with Sunghoon right now but I just have to be skating out in the rain.." The shorter boy quietly mumbled. Fortunately or Unfortunly, however you'd want to take it, Heeseung had heard it and smiled wide. 

"But you're here with me, and that's always a good thing." He wrapped his arms around Jake's. What a way to make someone more flustered.. The slight red tint on Jake's cheeks became more bright. "Hey, let go unless you want me to fall." For some reason, Jake's voice sounded more steadier than it felt. 

Heeseung sure did seem cheerful as he walked beside Jake. As the younger gaze stayed on Heeseung's smile, it was surprising to say he hadn't tripped of his skateboard yet. He stared at the way Heeseung's wet hair sticked to his forehead— along with that dumb wide smile. His eyes slowly went down at the way Heeseung's wet shirt clinged onto his.. 

Jake stumbled on his skateboard but quickly made sure he didn't fall over. "Wait here I'm gonna go get something from the convebinence store." Heeseung said before jogging over to the place he mentioned. 

Thank god Heeseung didn't see him stumble, otherwise that'd end up to be quite embarrassing. Jake stepped off his skateboard and picked it up while taking a seat on that bench.

Get it together, Jake! Act normal, nonchalant, or whatever, you're supposed to be Heeseung's best friend! Not some random weirdo who's head over heels for a certain somebody.

Even with this somewhat false self convinivng, it was still hard for Jake's face not to burn red, and for his stomach to not feel all tingly, or whatever dumb thing it was. 

As Jake groans and leans back, Heeseung makes his way back to Jake with two strawberry milk cartons in both hands. He took a seat beside the latter and tossed him the one carton, Jake quickly caught it, snapping out of his trance.

 "So, how's your basketball team?" The shorter asks putting the straw into his carton and taking a sip. "Ass." Heeseung answered shaking his head. Jake tilts his head and swings his feet getting quite invested. "Why's that?" Maybe a bit too invested to realize he's leaning closer. 

"Some guy started a whole situation during practice because I was hitting on his girlfriend." Heeseung notices Jake furrow his brows, and immediately went on for context. "I dont even like her anyway, she's the one who was hitting on me. Want me to be honest?" The invested boy nodded. 

"She's a complete weirdo! Why flirt with me if that's going to have some angry ass after me! Does this face look like it needs a big punch?" Heeseung went on quite dramatically. Jake giggled while leaning back, his mouth still on his straw. "Did he punch you?"

Heeseung shook his head taking a quick sip of his own strawberry milk. "He sure was pissed, not to mention he chased me down around the place. Chase your own girl not me.." Heeseung shivered. "Goodness, I get this weird feeling thinking about it, what an odd couple." 

Jake patted Heeseung's back and continued to drink his milk. There was an oddly comfortable silence after that. All that could be heard was the rain slowly stopping, the sound of others' walking and running, and the sound of slurping.

"Don't get yourself hurt from this guy, hm?" Jake quietly said breaking the comforting silence. The older grinned and faced Jake, while leaning just a bit closer. "Would you be there to take care off my busted face? Making sure I still look great as always?" There was teasing— sort of soft, smile on Heeseung's face, even these small things made Jake's heart race like some fan girl.

He turned away with his hand still resting on Heeseung's back. "Well, maybe." Neither of them spoke a word, the silence consuming them once more. 

"I'll walk you home since I wasn't able to last time."


after this I'll start rewriting chapter 2-3 + maybe 4 too

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