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This whole week had been just so unfamiliar, but not so unwelcome to Jake. Dating Heeseung was something easy to warm up too, but still felt.. there isn't quite the word for it. Perhaps surreal? 

Just last week he finds himself in a lovesick crush on him, and he's now dating him. 

Heeseung's obviously dated others before — it wasn't that hard to tell from how sappy the boy was. He certainly is touchy and clingy, holds Jake's hand no matter where they were, strokes his hair out of absolutely nowhere, all those sorts of things. 

The idea of Heeseung having more exes he could keep track of bothered Jake, he would say something like, "I'm sure you were this touchy with your latest ex." 

and Heeseung would reply with something like, "Nope, Jakey poo, you matter far more than those others, you're my true love~!" Things like that cringed Jake out, but it wasn't exactly the worst thing to hear, especially coming from Heeseung. 

His touchiness and clingy persona got them in trouble more than often during class. Heeseung simply.. doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself.  Detention wasn't completely bad since it meant more time with Heeseung. 

Though, Heeseung tutored Jake for mathematics — which was the only thing he was quite good at — and it made up for all the times they got detention. At the moment, Jake sat on Heeseung's bed with him, trying his best not to doze off while Heeseung talks about... 

1 + 3? 

Jake couldn't quite hear him clearly anyway, he's been feeling sleepy and perhaps nauseous for all that. "Jake are you listening?" Heeseung asks, tilting his head in confusion. The younger's eyelids feel as if they're going to close any second soon. 

Right then, he feels Heeseung's hands on his forehead. "Gosh, you're burning up." He murmurs, looking at Jake with worried eyes — eyes Jake found so adorable since they were younger. 

"What now.." Jake's voice was now hoarse which neither noticed before. "I'll go downstairs and get you medicine for your fever, because I love you so much my hubby bubby baby boo boo bear!" 

Heeseung squeezes Jake's cheeks while cupping his face gently. Whatever that dumb talk was didn't quite help the fact Jake can barely hear anything at all. 

"Hubby baby.. what now?" Jake asked as his cheeks start to become all red from Heeseung's cheek squeezing. He finally swats away his hands with a small pout. The taller smiles all bright despite the fact Jake has a fever. "It's a term for my lovely affection for you, charming isn't it?" 

There was a visible grimace on Jake's face as he watched Heeseung's eyelashes flutter with his eyes all expectant. "Have you called one of your beloved exes tha—" Heeseung places his finger on Jake's lips before he could finish his sentence. "Hush, gorgeous" 

What was he on about now. 

Jake shoves him off the bed hearing his load grunt once he hit the floor. "Just go get the medicine and bring it back." He murmurs, Heeseung huffs and gets up. "Okay!" He hums happily and rushes down for medicine. 

Jake lets out a hoarse sigh as he watches Heeseung rush back with the medicine and a spoon. 

"Stand up." Heeseung says as he pours some of the medicine into the spoon for Jake. The latter does so and looks up at Heeseung due to the minor height difference. 

Heeseung lets out a small smile as he puts the spoon in Jake's mouth. With the spoon and medicine now on the desk, Heeseung wraps a firm yet gentle arm around Jake's waist pulling him close. 

Just as Heeseung leans in to kiss him, Jake stops him quick. "What, are you really going to kiss someone who has a fever? You'll get sick too, germs you know?" 

None of that got to Heeseung's head as he leans in once again. 

"Fuck germs, Jake." 

Their lips meet in a gentle kiss, Heeseung's arms around Jake's waist tighten as Jake moves his arms up wrapping them around his neck. 

Once the two pull back, Jake pouts. "Yeah, and if you get sick who'll take care of me?" He asks as their lips hover over each others.

"Then I'd take care of you anyway, cutie."


this book is coming to an end soon

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