12. Small Goldfish

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"Hey, suki-chan!" Fumiya and haruki run to them, big smiles present on their faces. "I won that one plushie you wanted. Remember the last hangout before the summer holidays?" He says excitedly.

"Really? The big egg plushie?" Natsuki springs up from her seat, eyes sparkling with joy.

"Yes. The shopkeeper said we can fetch it when we're returning back home." Fumiya's eyes sparkle as well.

"That's why you're my best friend." Natsuki almost squeals, jumping on him as she hugs him. Jimin giggles looking at them while sitting beside taehyung, still eating his cotton candy.

"I ship it." Jimin whispers to taehyung making his eyes go wide.

"What?" Taehyung exclaims, dumbfounded.

"What?" Jimin looks at him with innocent, doe eyes.

Taehyung's face shows pure disbelief and he doesn't say anything while jimin shrugs.

Taehyung sighs, standing up.

"What's next?" He asks, throwing the paper bowl into a nearby trash-bin.

"I saw a kingyo sukui game store on our way, wanna try it?" Haruki points towards his back.

"Aren't you guys hungry yet?" Jimin asks him as he walks upto them, throwing a hand around haruki's shoulder.

"Don't worry, we ate something before." He says as jimin humms.

Taehyung is obviously confused about the said game and turns to natsuki for asking but he is about to open his mouth when natsuki speaks.

"You're confused, I know." She chuckles, continuing, "it's called scooping goldfish game."

"Oh! I know about this one. I've seen it on Internet." Taehyung smiles, thanking her through his eyes and by her smile, it seems she got it.

"Let's go then!" Fumiya says as he starts walking, very enthusiastically, towards the shop.

"Wait!!" Natsuki suddenly stops walking, making everyone stop as well.

"What happened?" Jimin asks, turning back.

"The annual dance will begin soon, yukio has never seen it. We should watch it first and then go for kingyo sukui." She reasons.

"Oh, I totally forgot about it." Fumiya says, walking back.

"Okay, let's do that." Haruki and jimin agrees too as they all walk back to the shrine.

"Let's take our places first before it starts to get crowded." Jimin runs ahead of them while muttering, but him being as loud as ever, everyone still heard him.

They all laugh at him but hurry behind him as they all sit down on the benches. It is more like bleachers that people created throughout the years, so that they can comfortably sit down and enjoy the show.

Jimin is the first one to take his seat, then haruki and fumiya joins him. Lastly, natsuki and taehyung sit down beside each other.

"Yukio-kun, do you want to change seats with me? You're sitting in the corner." Haruki leans ahead, peeking at him. He tries to be generous.

"No, no. He's okay here. I'm in charge of explaining him if he doesn't get anything." Natsuki pokes her nose in between, peeking back at haruki with a smile.

"Oh... okay." Haruki gives up, shrugging as jimin snorts.

"What?" Haruki smacks his arm.

"Haru got rejected." Jimin whispers.

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