19. Compliments and confusions

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"Suki-chan!! Long time no see." a voice makes her stop mid-way when she is walking down the street towards the school.

Monday is back!

She turns around, obliged to know who called her out.

"Oh, good morning, Aunt Kimura!" she greets the lady from her neighbourhood as she recognises her and the lady nods in acknowledgement.

"Going to the school?" Aunt Kimura shouts from the veranda.

"Yes," Natsuki answers shortly.

"Have a nice day."

"You too," and Natsuki resumes her journey to the school.

Her day started normally, waking up to the alarm clock's annoying ringing, eating rice and fried egg for breakfast and patting Kei bye on her way to school.

She didn't spot Taehyung on the way, thinking he might be running late or had departed earlier, she kept on walking towards the school in between the swarm of many other students.

Her brown handbag swings back and forth as she hums a tune, looking straight, and a subtle smile decorates her face.

"Suki-chan, good morning!" a sudden tap on her shoulder makes her flinch as she turns to face the owner of the voice.

"Jeez, Fumiya-kun, you scared me." it was Fumiya, cheerful as always.

"What are you participating in?!" he asks as he chuckles at her surprised state.

"Um, I'll probably just help them out in making the banners or something like that, why?" she shrugs, walking through the huge gates of their school.

Everyone is swarming in, chattering on their way to the class.

"I was thinking of helping out in the management... probably?" they head to the locker room, taking their indoor shoes out and putting them on before putting back the previous shoes inside. This way, the classrooms don't get too dirty.

"Oh, that would be fun but tiring as well, yet I believe, you can do it!" Natsuki tries to support him enthusiastically.

"Thank you. Did you see Yukio-kun?" Fumiya asks as they climb the stairs to the second floor, passing by the students who are either walking to their classes or standing about in the hallways, chatting with friends.

"I thought he went early or probably he's running late. I don't know," just as she opens the sliding door of their classroom, she spots the dark-haired human, the one they were talking about, seated on his usual seat.

"Here he is," Fumiya smiles and takes his seat.

"Hi, Yukio, good morning!" Natsuki greets him, smiling and sits down as well.

Taehyung smiles back at her, "Good morning," he then turns to Fumiya and greets him too.

"Say, Yukio-kun, did you decide on what you will be doing to contribute to the cultural festival?" Fumiya is curious, most of the time.

"I'm not sure..." Taehyung trails off, looking at nothing in particular like he is in deep thought.

"Wait, I know, I know," Natsuki suddenly yells and everyone stops their work to look back at her.

And there it is! She is embarrassed now...

Fumiya looks at everyone and smiles awkwardly yet apologetically and they go back to doing their own business.

"Uhm, I mean, I know what Yukio can do!" Natsuki shrugs the embarrassment aside and speaks up.

"What is it?" Taehyung asks, even he doesn't know what she is talking about.

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