17. What's your type?

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"What do you mean by does that include you as well?" Natsuki laughs awkwardly, not meeting his gaze.

"I mean, what type of guys do you like? What's your type?" he asks silently.

He doesn't know why he asked that, because neither he ever thought about it before nor he intended to know about it, then, why is he suddenly curious? Or is he just trying to get away from the embarrassment of the question he asked before?

He doesn't know.

"My type...? Hm, I don't think I have a type yet." she answers truthfully, but she is still thinking about it.

"...yet?" he asks.

"I haven't had a serious type of crush on anyone before. All of the people I like are either actors or idols." she chuckles on her own self.

The breeze has turned calm and it's also not that hot anymore. The sun continues to shine in the western side of the sky, a faded orange hue decorating the clouds.

They continue to plant the seeds and are almost done with it. Both Kei and Yeontan seem to have sniffing around the bushes for god knows what.

"But, you must have something that you like about a person, don't you?" Taehyung proceeds the conversation.

"I think, it depends on the person we are talking about. Let's take our friends as examples; Fumiya-kun is a fun person to be around and he is caring towards his friends, that's what I like about him and we've been friends for a long time, too." she throws a glance at Taehyung and realises that she has trailed off the topic.

"Oh, sorry," she smiles through her eyes.

"It's alright." Taehyung mutters, shrugging.

"So, what I mean to say is, I think there shouldn't be a specific thing that you look for in a person, but instead, if you're meant to like someone, doesn't matter if it's as a friend or more than that, you'll end up liking them and embracing what they really are as a human. While it's a common sense that we can't like someone's red flags, it's an exception but the other things, such as hair colour, height, personality to some extent doesn't really matter." Natsuki always has a smile on her face while talking about the things that matter to her.

"Then, what about me?" Taehyung absentmindedly speaks.

"Eh?" she exclaims, confused.

"What do you like about me?..." he asks, looking at her with unreadable eyes, "...as a friend?" he adds at the end.

"You really want to know?" she smiles ear to ear again, making him smile too.

"Why not? I'm ready to take any criticism." he says proudly.

"Hm, to think about it, you're a really simple person." she glances at him while standing up as her work is done, finally.

"Though, your appearance might make you look like a really classy person, once I got to know you, I found out that you're really a simple person and that's not an insult." she can't help but clarify. Taehyung smiles in response.

"You like simplicity and I really admire it. Not everyone can be the way you are, I think you should be proud of it." she gets out of the pond, trying to clean her clothes even though it was useless. Taehyung follows her outside, listening to her attentively.

"You're kind; remember the first time we met?" she laughs, remembering about the egg incident.

"Of course, I do." Taehyung joins her as they walk to the water tap to wash their hands and feet while Kei and Yeontan who were waiting for their owners to get done with the work, follow them from behind.

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