14. The last barrier

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"I waited... and waited... and waited for so long that I almost turned into a skeleton." Jimin sighs dramatically as taehyung and natsuki approach them. They finally got to the discussed meeting point after half an hour.

"That's too much. I still see the flesh perfectly intact to your bones, aki-kun." Natsuki says, snatching the egg plushie from him.

"Yeah, yeah. So funny." Jimin rolls his eyes, rather playfully.

"Did you guys see a ghost?" Haruki asks as they start walking towards home.

"Nope! The ghost probably got scared of natsuki's screams." Taehyung snickers, making the others laugh.

"Oh, the fishes!" Taehyung takes natsuki's fish bag from jimin as he remembers.

"We had so many fishes with us and we were standing at the bridge, waiting for you. The passersby thought we were selling goldfish." Jimin laughs, remembering how a little girl had cried because she thought they were selling it and refused to give it to her.

"But, natsuki-chan, you sure are lucky." Jimin glances at her.

"Why?" she eyes him, curious.

"Taehyung was worried for you and went after you so you wouldn't be scared." His lips turn upwards in a teasing smile. "How caring!" he chimes happily.

"Of course! Unlike someone, yukio is my real friend." She says proudly and looks at taehyung, "right, yukio?" She asks with a sweet smile.

"Right!" Taehyung chuckles.

"Alright, I believe you, suki-chan!" He giggles, skipping over to her and ruffles her already- slightly -tousled hair then runs away as it's time for them to part ways.

"Heyy!!" Natsuki puts her hand on her head, trying to fix her hair.

"Have a good night!" He yells while running as haruki shakes his head. Taehyung smiles as he mutters a good night back at him.

"I'll go as well." Haruki says hurriedly and follows jimin.

"Aki-kun was too naughty today!!" Natsuki complaints as she grunts.

"I thought he was always like this...?" Taehyung asks.

"Well, that's right too." She giggles, forgetting her anger towards jimin.

"Well then!" Taehyung stops as they arrive in front of his house. "I'll see you tomorrow! Good night, suki." He says, honey like voice tempting natsuki to give him her biggest smile.

She restrains herself but smiles anyway and says, "Okay, have a good night." And she walks away.

As always, taehyung stands there until she gets inside her house.


"Ah!! Why does it have to be tomorrow?!" Fumiya whines, putting his head down on the desk.

"What?" Taehyung chimes in, taking a seat beside him on the bleachers.

The physical education class is about to end and school's basketball ground which is more like the gym class is empty now. Everyone must have gone back to classroom already or they are still getting changed back into their uniforms.

"The English test." Natsuki snickers, teasing him.

Taehyung lets out a long "ohh!!" at natsuki's words.

"What's so bad about it?" Taehyung mutters again.

"Everything is bad about it. I hate it." Fumiya fumes with fury as he says it, remembering the last English test which made him take extra lessons for two weeks straight.

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