His Secret Mistress

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Adrien sat at his desk sipping on his coffee. He was looking over the paperwork that his assistant had sent in 30 minutes.

He was focusing on reading the paperwork until there was a knock at his door.

Adrien - Come in

After he said that the door to his office open.

Rose - Good evening Mr. Agreste I'm sorry for interrupting you.

Adrien - No your ok.

Rose - Ok good I just came in here to remind you that you have a dinner date with your wife in 30 minutes.

After she said that the man stop sipping on his coffee.

"Shit I forgot!" After he said that he jumped up and began putting his coat on. Once he was done he grabbed the important paperwork and begin to put them in a important folder before putting them in his drawer and locking it.

Adrien - Rose Can you make sure to lock my door behind me please?

Rose - Yes of course.

Adrien - Thank you so much!

After he said that he grabbed his keys and his phone before leaving his office. He quickly speed walk down his huge wall before entering his private elevator.

Once he entered his wife began to call him. He quickly picked it up and answered immediately.

Adrien - Hello sweetheart.

Lila - Hey Bea.

Adrien - What are you doing?

Lila - Oh you know I went to go get my usual Mani petting I'm sitting here right now waiting for my nails to dry then I'll be on the way to the restaurant.

Adrien - Mmm I see you spent 900 on them.

Lila - No it was 200 the 100 was for my new outfit and the rest of the money I went out and went shopping.

Adrien - Whatever makes you happy love.

Lila - No what would make me more happy is if we can start back having morning sex. I miss when you would wake me up in the morning and give me what I deserve.

Adrien chuckled after hearing her. "I'll see what I can do sweetheart. I'm going to let you finish up getting your nails done I'm on the way to the restaurant now."

Lila - Ok love you.

Adrien - Love you too.

After he said that he hung up the phone and walked out of that elevator when the doors open. He quickly exit the company and walk down the steps to his luxurious SUV.

Adrien Had everything he ever wanted. He had Money, A loving wife, an education, a multi-million company, great friends, amazing parents, and Good looks. He had everything a 22-year-old could ever dream of.

He looked at himself in the mirror before starting his SUV and driving off to the restaurant.  It was a 15 minute drive away but once he arrived he put his name in and waited at the fancy table.

5 minutes later his wife pulled up looking amazing as usual.

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