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When I had got the resume of the new appliers, I hadn't paid much attention to their names or family history. I didn't like wasting time. My step father had taught me that time was the most fucking important thing in the world and I had learnt that lesson pretty soon. So I didn't know it was the same Sage Olive from my hometown. I had reviewed her quite impressive resume and shortlisted her. For the interview process, our company had a special jury. That's why I hadn't known she'd be here.

Yeah, I know I could have fired her even before she started. I didn't even need to give an explanation. It would have been so easy to just push the memories of the past at the back of my mind and move on.

But as I thought of firing her, something tugged inside me. I never believed in fate, or universe, or any of that shit, but her coming in front of my eyes after she had left suddenly...made me feel something, a feeling I hadn't felt in so long. It wasn't a negative feeling but a feeling of, well let's just say positivity.

I could even transfer her to another branch, but something in me didn't want to let her out of my sight. I wanted to look at her pretty deep eyes. I wanted to perceive her capability. I wanted to watch her grow.
And then and there, I decided, Sage Green was going to stay here. In front of my fucking eyes.


Sam directed us to our cabins. Jaz's cabin was farther than mine. It was one floor lower while mine was just 2 steps away from Toastie's. Sucker.

As I was busy observing my surroundings, Sam flirted with Jaz, telling her, along with other things that, if she needs anything, he would be right there. I smiled to myself.

Guess someone's getting laid sooner than they know.
Jaz glanced at me and I winked at her.

When I reached my cabin, I looked around. It wasn't too small like a shoebox amd neither too big. It was just...perfect.
I had tears in my eyes, but this time happy ones. I had worked so fucking hard for this. For my dream job.

My mom must be proud, huh?

I missed her. She had always been my biggest cheerleader. She sacrificed her life by living with my asshole father, just for the sake of my education and career. My father earned enough and was a good person, until he was not. He became alcoholic when I was ten. He used to come home and hit mama. I used to tell her every night after he passed out that we should run away.

She would just smile at me and tell me everything would be okay one day.
That one day came, when my father died due to immune system dysfunction, and left all his earnings to us. I was twelve back then. Mom was sad, and I didn't know why. She was supposed to be happy...right?

When I asked her why she was sad? And why hadn't she left him earlier?
She replied, "Even if he hit me, he was my husband. And I loved my husband. Also baby, you were young. You needed money for best education because you're smart and you know I am not qualified enough to get a job and raise you the way you deserve."
We stayed in San Francisco for 4 years and then left.

Wiping the tears from under my eyes, I look around one last time before sitting on my chair and organize my desk. I set a picture of my mom and me in the corner in front of me, kept my pen holder and paper weights on the desk, and finally set my laptop. I also took out my sketching goods for designing and placed them properly in the drawers. I also put few posters around the cabin. When the office finally looked like mine, I released a sigh of happiness.

Ree: gave you the glimpse of Sage's history. Will definitely fill the pits I left in between.
Thankyou for reading it,

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