1st Year: Chapter One

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It was the 30th July, 1991, and two residents of Privet Drive were not having a good day.

A resident at Number 4 was currently frowning and rubbing his sore arm in his bedroom. Well, if he could call the cupboard under the stairs, a bedroom. And the reason he was frowning was all because of a letter that was addressed to him.

He had no idea why his relatives were so scared of the letter, but more and more kept coming. Making them go from being scared to being angry. And he hated when his relatives were angry because they would take it all out on him. Which is also why he was rubbing his arm, it was sore and bright red from how hard his uncle had gripped it.

That resident is a boy named Harry Potter.

And the resident that lived a couple doors down, in Number 8, was currently on her hands and knees cleaning up the mess that was on the living room floor. There was broken glass, spilled alcohol, and cigarette butts, completely littering the carpet. And if her body wasn't already hurting from a punishment she received last night, then being forced to clean up the mess her mother had made, would definitely add onto it.

But she was used to it. Even though she shouldn't be. She was always cleaning up after her alcoholic and abusive mother. And she was always walking on egg shells around her. Her mother was practically a ticking time bomb. And only time would tell before she would explode.

That resident is a girl named Luella Knight.

Now, those two residents are best friends. And they had been since they first met each other when they were four years old. They were as thick as thieves and no one, absolutely no one, could separate them.

They had so much in common. One of them being that they were only a day apart. Harry was born on the 31st of July, and Luella was born on the 1st of August.

The two of them knew they were special. A few random accidents here and there, accidents that they knew weren't normal. Luella kind of had a speculation as to what caused the accidents, seeing as she read a lot of fantasy books, but Harry had no clue.

And they would find out exactly why they were special very soon.


Seeing as her mother was still asleep, Luella Knight rummaged through her hidden piggy bank and managed to grab £10. It was Harry's birthday tomorrow and although she had already bought his presents, she was planning on going to the corner shop to get some snacks and drinks for the mini birthday party they were going to have.

And whilst she was out, she missed a delivery from an owl. And she also missed the Dursley's car speeding off down the street.

It wasn't until she was walking back down Privet Drive that she noticed that their car was not on the driveway. She wondered if they had taken Harry with them, and she was going to knock and see, but an angry looking Moira Knight stood in the doorway holding an envelope tightly in her hand.

Luella gulped and hurried up. But before she could nervously greet her mother, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside the house. The front door slammed shut behind her and she couldn't even get a word in before she was suddenly slapped. Her cheek stung and tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't let them fall.

With a hand on a cheek, rubbing it softly, trying to soothe it, she looked to her mother, who spat angrily.

"I knew the day would come! Where you would get your freaky acceptance letter from that damn school."

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