1st Year: Chapter Ten

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The second Harry and Luella saw each other walking to the Great Hall, they ran towards each other and once they were close enough, they encased one another into a very tight hug. Susan and Hannah laughed as the two were acting as if they hadn't seen each other in days, when in fact they literally saw each other hours ago. Ron didn't really get why they were acting like that, but he just shrugged.

They soon stopped hugging and Harry grabbed her hand. They, and the other three, continued to walk towards the Great Hall. Harry then asked.

"How was your Potions and Transfiguration class?"

Luella smiled and replied back.

"Potions was actually great. Snape didn't yell at anyone and he actually gave us and Ravenclaw points as not one of us did the potion wrong. He looked quite pleased as well. And even though he was good in that lesson, I still don't like how he treated you in your lesson. You didn't deserve that."

Before Harry could reply, Ron exclaimed in shock.

"He gave you and Ravenclaw points?! He gave Slytherin points in our class, but not us Gryffindor's. It's not fair!"

Luella chuckled and asked.

"Well, did any of the Gryffindor's successfully brew the potion without any mistakes?"

Ron hesitated before shaking his head.

"Then there you go. That's why you didn't get points. And it probably didn't help that someone's cauldron apparently exploded and mildly injured a few of the Slytherin's."

Ron huffed and complained.

"He got well mad at us for that. It was Seamus' cauldron that exploded, he's in the Hospital Wing as he took the brunt of the explosion. We lost 20 points."

Luella, Susan, and Hannah grimaced, and Luella carried on.

"Transfiguration was great too. I was the only one to figure out that the tabby cat was actually Professor McGonagall. I can't wait till the next lesson of Transfiguration, it was fun."

Harry smiled, at least Luella was enjoying herself. That's what was most important to him. Even though he was struggling on his first day, at least Luella was having fun. He spoke up.

"I'm quite nervous for the Flying class after lunch. I'm worried that I'm going to fall off the broom before I'm even in the air."

Luella frowned in sympathy. She tried to reassure him.

"I'm sure whoever the teacher is, will be there to help. Hey, who knows, maybe you'll be perfect at it. You never know until you try it. Our Flying lesson is tomorrow."

Harry hummed and was grateful that Luella even tried to reassure him. He was truly lucky to have her as his best friend and soulmate.

By the time Harry had finished speaking, they had arrived at the Great Hall, the tables were covered in various foods again, and Ron practically drooled. He immediately ran over to the Gryffindor table, sat down, and started piling up his plate. Harry shook his head in amusement and looked at Luella who snickered at Ron's eagerness.

She then turned to him and smiled. She squeezed his hand before muttering a "see you later" as she let go of his hand and made her way to the Hufflepuff table with Susan and Hannah in tow.

They sat down at the table and greeted the other Hufflepuff's. Luella wasn't really that hungry, so she just chose a ham sandwich with apple juice.

She was quite looking forward to Defence Against the Dark Arts, which she had after lunch, but according to Cedric, the teacher, Quirrell, has a severe stutter and his classroom smells strongly of garlic. Luella then realized that Quirrell was the guy she and Harry met in the Leaky Cauldron. And if hearing him stutter for only a few minutes then, was annoying, listening to him do it all lesson would be extremely annoying. Even worse, she had double Defence Against the Dark Arts.

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