1st Year: Chapter Seven

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(A/N: 4k+ words in this. You're welcome.)

It was dark outside by the time they arrived at the train station. Hedwig went back in her cage, and Victoria Anne Knight went back in her carrier. They were put with all the other pets and Luella reassured her kitten that she'd see her later tonight.

As Luella, Harry, Ron, and Neville were leaving the train, everyone else was too. The older years got in some carriages and the first years were greeted by Hagrid.

"Right, then! First Years, this way, please! Come on now First Years, don't be shy! Come on now. Hurry up, come on!"

All of the First Years stood in front of the half-giant. A lot of them stared in awe at seeing someone so tall. Harry grabbed Luella's hand and they joined the others. Hagrid smiled and greeted.

"Hello, Harry, Luella."

They replied back in unison.

"Hi, Hagrid."

"Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me."

They all followed him and he spoke again.

"No more than four to a boat. No more than four."

Ron and Neville sat at the back and Harry helped Luella into the boat. They obviously sat next to each other.

Once everyone was settled in the boats, the boats started moving on their own. And as they made their way across the water, Luella absentmindedly fiddled with the necklace around her neck. It was a gift from her father for her 8th birthday. She has never taken it off, and probably never will.

She also put a spell on it to make it waterproof and not rust.

And as Luella fiddled with the necklace, she suddenly heard gasps, making her look up. She let out a gasp at the sight of Hogwarts. She thought it looked absolutely beautiful, and couldn't wait to enter the castle and study and live there.

When they arrived at the docks, Harry got out first and then held out a hand for Luella to grab onto. He helped her out and she thanked him gratefully.

But suddenly, Luella felt her necklace unclasp from her neck and fall into the water below. She exclaimed, panicking as it was the only thing she had left of her father.

"My necklace!"

Everyone stops and turns to her when they hear her and seconds later, the Giant Squid arises from beneath the water and holds out a tentacle that has the necklace dangling from it.

People gasp and Luella giggles as she leans forward and carefully takes it from the Squid. She then playfully curtsies as she thanks it. (A/N: Since it's waterproof, it isn't wet or smells.)

"Why thank you, Mr Squid."

She remembers reading about the Squid in Hogwarts: A History.

The Giant Squid bows its head and goes back under the water. Hagrid calls for them to follow him and everyone turns back to the front and does what he says. Harry offers to put the necklace back around Luella's neck and she thanks him once he does it. He grabs her hand and they follow after Hagrid, gradually getting more excited.

He led them through some doors before telling them to walk up the stairs and left as his part was done. And the group of muttering first years did as he said and when they got to the very top, they stopped as a stern looking woman with robes and pointy hat stood and stared at them.

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