Ch 1

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The wind blew softly as the sun brandished it's over reaching rays through the trees. My arms ached from the amount of strenuous labor I had put on them to make a hunting trap that seemed ready to fall apart at the slightest sneeze against it. The sad pile of brown vine and stick tilted and fell to the side like a dry sand castle on the beach. I grumbled to myself before standing up and kicking the pile in frustration.

"Why of all things did I get lost in the woods? Me!?"

Walking away from my depressing pile, I clench my crudely sharpened stick and headed to a nearby river that I had found. It hasn't been easy for the last two days. The first day was dedicated to me struggling to understand how I went from walking to school to being stranded in the middle of the woods. And the second was crying at how cold the night was.

My clothes were covered in dirt, leaves, and...other things. My spine has a shiver run up it as I take another look at the fresh white stain on my sweatshirt. A dumb bird decided to treat me as a target and aimed for my shoulder yesterday as I was forging berries. Jokes on it, though , had gotten snatched by a bird of prey not long after. My footsteps became slower as my journey led me to the river bed, allowing me to carefully take off my grey sneakers and socks while also rolling up my navy blue jeans.

"Okay," I huffed in determination as I set my shoes next to a large boulder near the bed of water. "Round three, fish. Prepare to die!" After shouting on the top of my lungs, I quickly learned that doing so was a stupid idea. The school near my looming body quickly fled further down the stream, leaving me alone in a cold and hungry stance of defeat. In all fairness, that was my fault, but at the same time, rationale is always going to come second when you are hungry and tired. Ready to rip out all my hairs my head I quickly skip off of the rocks and back towards my shoes, slipping them on after letting my feet dry in the sun for a while.

"Stupid fish," I kicked the dirt as I mumbled to myself. "Why is it so hard to get something to eat!?" My stomach rumbles in agreement as I look up at the cotton clouds in the sky.

"Why did Mary even like this sort of thing again?"

I sighed while trekking further down the stream to find more fish. I wasn't really able to give up just yet. After all, my stomach is literally dying over here. I couldn't help but have my mind wander as I continued to walk along the waterside. My makeshift camp consisted of rotten out tree stump that I had begun to fix up with fallen tree branches, mud, and some pine needles while a poor excuse for a fire pit sat unlit in front of the rotten trunk. I would, you know, make a call or have faith in the tracker my mom placed in my phone, but sadly, I don't have my sweet sweet school bag. I looked everywhere near me when I first woke up, but for some amazing reason, it was nowhere to be found.


The sound of a broken branch catches my attention. It was not only loud but very close. The once lively trees fall silent as the wind goes away. I quickly glance over in the noises direction to find nothing looking back at me.

"Oh..." I breathed before catching my breath again. "Yeah, this is a scene in a horror movie, isn't it?" I was fallowed by silence as I slowly backed away from the direction of the snapping sticks. "Yeah fake out is happening to me, nope!" My steps picked up in their pace while I had a heavy feeling fall onto the back of my neck, causing my hairs to raise. Instincts caused by fight or flight response to run.

The thin blades of grass scraped against my shoes while I kicked up dry dirt into the air. Lone vines hung from the bare canopy above as their woody fingers reached towards the ground. My pattering feet slowed to a stop as I panted out of breath and leaned against a tree. I pushed my free flying brown locks away as I dusted off my jeans. I wasn't resting long. However, for a low grunt caught my attention. Looking to my side, I could see a boar charging towards me at a high speed. With the adrenaline still pumping in my veins, I did my best to run further away from the beast, but I quickly found that doing so wasn't the best idea. It was catching up quickly, and I had little time before one of its tusks pierced through my limbs and brutally murder me. That's when those mocking words came to me in a blur.

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now