Ch 4

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It was dark out now, everyone was curled up on the fur pile while nerves ate away at my heart. I wasn't on earth, that much was clear now and I couldn't help but wonder how. It wasn't like this was some type of fantasy setting, this is the real world. Well I thought it was up until the wolf turned into a hot guy.


Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised.

I sigh while Corwin curled closer towards me as I leaned my back against Miloris back. Eventually my nerves ate at me enough that nature suddenly called and I begrudgingly had to get up. I left the warm nest of furs and out to the edge of the tree line, taking care to bury my treasure of brown and gold.

The air outside was chilled, few drops of condensation on the blades of grass. After using a loose stone to dig the hole I squatted down and mulled over what I am to do now. Corwin was worried when he saw my paled face and had to snap me out of my spiraling thoughts before I made a grave mistake. I remained eerily quiet the rest of the night and eventually left for bed early. The boys knew I was still awake by the time they joined me somehow and tried to soothe me, only to now be sleeping soundly. I am happy they did rest, after all they've done I'd hate to take away their sleep. The breeze lightly pulled against my skin all before I started limping back to the cave. It wasn't an easy task walking back and forth, finding myself leaning against objects along the way as well as many breaks. The dark around me allowed for my imagination to run wild with the slightest noise in the air and fallowing the foreboding snap of a twig I could help but jump. A shutter passed through me as I thought of the nightmarish myths my mother had told me as bedtime stories. I haven't even spared a thought on them before but now, with this strange and dangerous place I was in, I couldn't help but think of those horrific fictional characters. At least I hope they were fictional.

"What are you doing?" A deep groggy voice echoed through the evening air. I turned my head to spy Liam leaning against the entrance with what I assumed was an annoyed glare.

"I was...pooping." I could feel the heat rise to my face after I spoke. I felt like a damn idiot but I didn't know how else to put it.

" that why you smell?" Now it was my turn to stare at him like he was an annoying child.

"Haha so funny, you could be a comedian if you wanted to." I grumbled as my foot limped a step towards the entrance. I couldn't see his face but I guessed it was scrunching up in offense.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He almost demanded out of me as the shadow of his tail flicked behind him.

"And here I thought you would understand what sarcasm is." I rolled my eyes as I walked passed him but his gave me a harsh nudge as I did.

"I'm not a 'comedian'! What ever vermin you just compared me towards-"

"A comedian is a beastman who is funny and makes people laugh. They aren't vermin's." I rubbed my shoulder vigorously as though shit was just smeared on it. I could hardly control the rage in my voice and I knew all too well anger was blazing in my eyes. Though that anger soon changed to fear after my eyes traveled back to him. I was shaking at his shadowy form than me, pulling me back into the memories I loathe. My breathing quickened as I tried to stand taller while still rubbing my arm almost raw. Rage, fear, and sorrow consumed me at the same time as his form remained still. But to my surprise I began to notice an invisible tension leaving the air that I had not thought of before.

"You think I'm...funny?" Uncertainty was laced in his words as he remained unsure how to respond. He's been called scary, violent, and cold before but never funny. That was usually reserved for Corwin or when someone was poking fun at Milori for his stiff way of speaking. A small part of him was happy that that's what 'comedian' meant but...wait no, she was being sarcastic.

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