Ch 14

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Warning foul language.

The void. That's what this place is.

Dark and abysmal cold clinging to my skin as a breath tickled my ear. Unlike the waking word it was quiet. And that is what made it unnerving. I was alone here as I was unable to see anything but the dreadful darkness.

'But why?'

Why was I alone here? What purpose is there in me being here? I am an anomaly in this void, unmeant to be present here. I walked around of course curious to find some type of sound or movement around me. The ground felt mushy and unnatural as the solid latched onto my soles like mud. But I kept on moving, kept searching for some sign of familiarity in this darkness as more and more weight was added on. Questions brimmed at the edge of my lips one after another while I held my mouth closed, afraid of what the dark might answer if I ask a loud. All I was left to do was walk aimlessly while my soles became more weighted while an iron stench filled the air.

'Is this what I am supposed to do? What exactly am I doing? Is there a way back?'

That's when my heart stopped it's rhythmic beating for a moment before drumming on at a quicker tempo.

'Back to what?'

I heard my inner thoughts grumble.

'Do you even remember what you left behind? Weren't you grateful for this escape?'

I hated how it caused my heart to drum and how my brain seemed to hum with every word thought.

"But...I'm alone."

My voice trembled at the revelation as my legs stopped wandering to look back. To my horror the iron smell intensified as the cold breath of death filled the air. Suddenly the void became an entrapping space as walls seemed to form around me. I couldn't breathe as the iron smell choked my breath as panic roared through my veins. I was alone in this darkness and all I had to follow me was the awful smell of iron and rot. Tears escaped me as a chill wrapped around my fingertips and spine.

I woke with a scream as fear clung to the cold sweat covering my body. Dreams like this happen more often as time passes by. The fire in the center of the room flickered as the flutter of the entryway door flipped open in a rush.

"Excuse me-" the voice spurred out quickly before directing their attention to me. "Avery!? Are you okay?"

Moss quickly made his way over to my side, nabbing a bowl of water set on the ground not too far away as worry creased his brows. I took a few deep breaths as I felt a cool rag dab against my forehead. My eyes flicked to my hands, and relief flooded me once I saw there was no red staining them.

"Please drink some water," he gently coaxed the stone bowl to my lips. "Was it another nightmare?" I nodded my head after taking a few sips.

The crackle of the fire began to lull me back to security as Moss scrutinized my resting form and just when my panic started to settle my heartbeat quickened again. There entering into the chamber was none other than Cadaver, the man who brought and trapped me here. His eyes scanned the room before landing on my figure as an unamused frown tugged his lips. I couldn't stop the shaking once it started again as stuttering breaths escaped me. He remained silent as he continued to observe my reaction. Moss had a fixed frown on his face as he heard the older male enter. Moss glanced in my direction before hanging his head in defeat.

"What has you so upset, little Avery?" His words hummed in the air as I tried to find my voice. I tried to met Moss's gaze, signalling the look of 'why the fuck is Cadaver here!?' It was useless as the boys eyes only reflected fear and worry. Standing on shaking legs Moss rose with his head down and in Cadavers direction.

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now