Ch 9

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A wet nose nudged my cheek softly while I scrunched up my face. My hands were restricted by the fur roll around my body. The fire was no longer a flame as the cold dark cave filled my vision. Infront of my fuzzy vision was a large silhouette with glowing eyes. I shut my eyes harshly as a bright light filled the room before a soothing hand brushed against my head.

"You can go back to sleep, I'm sorry if I woke you up." Corwin whispered as his thumb brushed my forehead. I yawned while looking at his humanoid form as the light from the night sky trailed in softly behind him.

"What are you doing then? Are you going somewhere?"

Corwin lifted me up carefully while I lifted my head up from my burrito bundled self.

"We are leaving to the village. But we are traveling by foot not paw." I started to worm around in my bundle while trying to wake up. My groggy head started to clear as the early morning stared back at us. It was slightly bright due to the lively night sky but it only allowed for me to make out silhouettes. Two tall standing figures waited a couple of paces away, fashioning what looked like bags on their front and back.

"Why did your cycle start now of all times?" I hear Liam grumble as Corwin carried me closer.

With my half asleep brain I allowed for my snarky comments to bleed through.

"It's not my fault. I have no control over it, unlike you and your personality."

Corwin let out a small surprised laugh while Liam closed his mouth, trying to figure out what out of the millions of things to say.

"Enough. We need to travel quietly. We don't want to cause any unnecessary attention to us as we cross the brambles." Milori silenced all of us with a grim calmness.


There were many questions I wanted to ask as my heart started to beat faster. But I could not find the courage to utter a word. The brambles where the ominous boarder I haven't even bothered to look back at during my time with the wolves. Honestly I don't know what was with that area but it was creepy. As we got closer to it a heavy feeling engulfed my stomach.

"Corwin...I don't think we should cross the brambles." I managed to whisper. Corwins head snapped to me as worry paled my face.

"We don't have a choice. This is the closest path to the village. If we don't we would have to go around and it would waste too much time." His grip tightened as he carefully stepped over the brambles with me in arm and the knot in my stomach seemed to grow worse.

Corwin patted my head reassuringly as the group traveled in silence as I stepped in my own worry. It was as if my instincts where screaming not to go any further with each tree we passed. All I could do was curl into Corwin in my burrito self and close my eyes as I listened to his heartbeat.

'It's going to be alright.' I reasoned. 'You are just overthinking again. But this is like a classic horror movie set up!' Taking calming breaths I settled my head against Corwins arm and drifted off to a semi-sleeping state.

The forest remained quiet as we traveled, eerily so. It was as if the trees where holding their breath. But there was one thing that caught Liam and Corwins ears, clicking. It fallowed after every few paces past the distant trees. Milori was now aware of the soft clicks echoing about and was put on edge. Milori slowed to a stop before turning to silently signal to the other two males and half asleep girl.

Stay still

That is what his eyes told them as the clicking sounded closer. The group was hiding in the shadows of a large boulder and tall trees, the only one sticking out like a sore thumb being Milori and his stark white hair and pale skin. The males held their ground as the sounds of shaking tree branches drew nearer while the clicking was surrounding them on all sides.

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now