Ch 11

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The summer wind grazed my skin as I rushed through the tall grass. The blades braced my skin roughly but without care I continued my path onward. My arms where outstretched and my hair flowing through my carved out current. Tuffs of white floated gracefully in the air as the impossibly blue sky painted across my eyes. The world was vibrant and joyful as I pranced around in a loosely fitting shirt and pants. My limbs felt shorter as my face felt softer as I continued to explore this strange new world.

"Is that you again?"

A mature woman's voice called out from behind me before I was suddenly lifted from the ground. I flailed around as my assaulter lifted me higher and higher from the ground.

"ibaba mo ko!*"

I shouted loudly as my small arms tired to hit whatever was in front of me.


It was a sudden shake but it only happened once to make me stop yelling and flailing as I found myself upside down and being held up by green ropes. Before me stood a tall naked woman with glowing eyes. Her ebony skin was smooth and glinted as what seemed to be flakes of metal coated her skin. Her hair was unnaturally green and found itself wrapped around my small body.

"I could have sworn I placed a translator in your brain..."

Her eyes furrowed in confusion as she lightly tapped my forehead with her finger. A warmth trailed from the spot she touched before it went down my neck and caused my throat to tingle.

"Mommy!? Where's my mommy!?"

I whined while the woman furrowed her brows. Suddenly I was being cradled in her hold.

"Shh, it's okay. We don't need to yell again. Remember? I'm Mama Gaia."

Her wide smile and gentle words seemed to soothe me unnaturally as the opposite of what I wanted was comfort from the stranger.

"You're not my mommy.."

She shook her head dismissively as a sigh left her.

"Honestly is this how it is going to be every time?" Her eyes looked away from me for a moment of thoughtful consideration before flicking back over to me.

"Where is you mommy then?"


"Where is home?"

"Eh..." My head felt scratchy as I thought of the answer. "It's not here. I don't see it."

" about Brynn? Let's go back to her. If you can't find your home right now it's good to stay in a place you know is safe."

My brain felt numb as that name passed her lips. "Brynn...?" It was like trying to think with water filling the groves of thought, heavy and blurry.

"Yes Brynn. Though I wish you stayed with those wolves, but I guess the others are still playing their silly game."

The woman sighed as her hair started to lower me back towards the ground. My feet remained rooted as she held out her hand.

"Come now child, the others want to include you in the game."

My hand shook slightly as I reached out to take her hand.

"What game is it?"

She smiled but I couldn't tell why she looked a bit sad.

"It's a game where everyone can have fun. All you have to do is be the princess."

"Why?" I tilted my head in confusion.

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now