Ch 5

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The afternoon brought color to the branches of the trees as they blushed under the suns rays. I was digging in the mud with a make shift shovel that Milori made for me while Corwin was jumping around in the creek. His teeth grazed past many fish as they swam away in horror as his giant wolven body chases after them. Milori stood off to the side making a stone mold. What were we doing you ask? Well...building a demo house.

"So, next we need to add the dry grass into the mud." I said with a huff as I stopped shoveling in mud and started to throw in loose articles of brown grass. I used my shovel to mix it around while looking over and seeing the finished mold. Milori soon started to fill it with my makeshift cement before setting it down to dry. He then began to chip away at a slab of stone that was to be made into a grill.

"So you live in huts, which you call houses, correct?" Milori tilted his head over to me as I sat down exhausted. His hands carving away rhythmically while his eye focused back in his project.

"Yes, that is correct." I nodded my head while watching Corwin snag a fish in his mouth which fidgeted like crazy.

"And your father builds them?"

"Repairs mostly, not building from the ground up. And you guys live in dens?" I asked quizzically.

"Yes, mammals tend to dig into the ground or use trees or caves as homes. Though some villages do have these huts though most are worn away by the winds of time. The last example of this type of architecture can be found in the Sunny Peaks."

"The Sunny Peakes?"

"Yes. They hold the largest population of mammals currently accounting for how old the large village is. I learned that there are three main kings that over see the domain while visiting once," I listened intently to Milori's words at the mention of kings. "Leo King of Carnivores, Mordox King of Herbivores, and Saffi King of Omnivores. They all work as the heads of the 'council' though there are smaller leaders that break off to deal with their own parties issues."

"What about beastmen who aren't mammals? Are they not allowed in?" I gulped while Milori gave a sad glance over.

"Males are not permitted in the city unless they are mammals. On the other hand because females are so rare they will be allowed to settle but they are usually not as favored. You may have some difficultly finding yourself more than two partners at worst."

"At worst?"

"Yes most females have the minimum of five, and they usually pair with those from the same kingdom. But at the end of the day you are a female so no male will chase you out or harm you." Milori slowly let the words leave him while I let the pit in my stomach grow.

" exactly do you know if I'm of age??"

Milori cleared his throat as he sat up straight. He paused as his thoughts sorted themselves and explanation. "Well uh...your smell will become very pleasant for males..." Milori started to find the words while making awkward gestures with his hands. "You will....start to feel very hot...maybe even itchy....and have a certain urge..." Milori cleared his throat again. "Usually your instincts will tell you when. It will happen only one week out of the year during mating season and has the highest chance of reproduction..." The air around us became hard to endure as he kept going.

"Okay...I think I get the picture. I haven't gone through that...but do some female bleed one week out of the month? I've heard of something like that before."

Milori quirked a brow. "Yes but there are only three species that do and they are all mammals. Where did you hear that?"

I fidgeted a bit with my nails before answering with a clever lie. "My mother bleeds or well bled. I-I just didn't know it was not normal...Would I start to bleed as well?"

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