Ch 3

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Warmth is all I felt as my hand ran along the void. My eyes where heavy while the smell of smoke and morning mist filled my nose. The bed below was hard and textured with light fuzz as if it had thought it could trick me in feeling comfort. But I don't remember my bed being so cold. A ray of light began tickling the edge of my eyelid as I started in the rubbery sheets.

Oh that's right, I'm not home.

My eye opens to the sight of a cold cave where a fire sits burning in the center. Furs nestled me in a bed while most sat in bundles waiting idley like crates of product. Fresh herbs hung on a makeshift rack. The sun crept in slowly from the entrance, leading in the morning dew like path stones. I sat up with a skinned pelt in my hand. My hair remained tussled and wild while my clothes from days prior remained on my body. My grey hoodie littered in holes which allowed my black long sleeve shirt to show through shyly. My jeans were torn and battered as the dirt stand the fabric. Next to me my shoes sat caked in mud and grime, loosing their shiny coat of silver.

'Mom would be upset, livid actually.' I solemnly smiled at the thought. My mother, a spitfire of a person whom always left me guessing at if what I was doing was right. But despite making me second guess everything she's said and everything I've done I still miss her in this moment. She did care at the end of the day about my well-being, caring for my tears and gripes with the world. Shes my mother, my ina*. Though I hope she's not taking anything out on my sisters. It's not their fault I'm gone so suddenly and I'm not even sure it's mine.

"Do you think they are out here?" I snapped out of my thoughts as the sound of Corwins voice echos through the cave. Shadows danced as two figures approached the mouth of the cave but never made and effort to enter. "Those dragons?"


"You've heard of the strange disappearances of travelers that go through this forest. Beings with leather wings abducting females and being extremely territorial." Corwins voice wavered as worry filled in his tone.

"We just have to stay away from the marked area, that's all we need to do," Milori spoke calmly. "More importantly we should get her to be more comfortable with us."

Ah my heart. That was kinda sweet.

"Huh, oh good morning Avery. Did you rest well?" Corwin had swiftly turned into the cave with a bowl in hand.

"I-I did you sleep?"

Awkwardness rolled off me in waves. I watched as Corwin froze for a moment. His tail and ears were focused as his eyes widen in surprise. Though he soon thaws out with a wide smile. His tail sprang to life while he happily answered and luckily nothing else. Jeez is it that hard to wear pants?

"I slept well! Also we plan to stay here for a few days before heading to a village." Corwin had sat the bowl down by the entrance as he almost made a mad dash towards me. His tail moved vigorously side to side while I struggled to move out of the bed. "Oh right...your injury. What should we do? Do you want me to get you anything? You should stay and rest." I watched as his ears became droopy as he spoke.

"Im fine, don't need anything right now. But do you guys need any help?" Avery asked as she looked towards the outside the cave.

"Help? I don't know if there is anything you can help with right now." His face twisted in confusion as his tail flicked.

"How about you help me find food that you like to eat?" Milori suggested as he poked his head into the cave.

"Okay, how can I help?" I was slightly excited at the prospect of food. I mean who wouldn't after starving?


The sky was a warm blue while fluffy clouds passed by overhead. It was warmer outside than in the cave for the sun was now higher in the sky, drying the morning dew. The sweet breeze tickled my face while I was being carried in Milori's arms. His ears flicked around at the slightest noise while his face remained a cool neutral face. His tail swung back and forth though restricted due to the animal skin skirt around his waist, something he put on after all this time.His chest was bare and lord, his chest. I tried my best not to stare but it was hard not to when it's right next to my face. My face was tinted pink as my heart beated wildly. Turns out guys usually only wear skirts, while women and girls wear more articles of clothing.

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now