Ch 10

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The wind pelted my skin as we flew through the forest. The cold morning was starting to lighten as sunrise teased itself in the distance. I had kept my head down as the thought of the ground rushing past us below left me nauseous. I hate heights, hate them. It's like I was surrounded by death on all sides. Two bats followed behind the one I rode, the leader with violet eyes. Tension was in the air as I clung to the bag fuzz with all my strength could bare.

"You are a bird beastmen yet can't stand flying, how ironic." Everyone flinched under how lighthearted his tone seemed, his followers taken aback the most.

" funny..." I had to fight the bile threatening to spill from my stomach. He let out a booming bone chilling laugh at my meek words that only made me scowl.

"Aw, what's wrong? You are shaking like a leaf."

'Sadistic mother fucker-'

"I'm fine, I just can't wait to reach the colony...." Cadavers eyes narrowed at those words.

'She's too complacent, aren't females supposed to have more fire to them? It's like something's wrong with her. Well she was abandoned in the forest, they only do that because something is wrong with them, but it's usually reproductive reasons.'

Yet here she is, in heat and has a thick cloud around her. This means she is more than healthy. And seeing as she was found by the wolves means she wasn't apart of their group. But there were no reports of any other groups coming by the boarder.


"Well we are almost there, the cliff side is up ahead." His voice returned to its neutral state but the other two bats couldn't help but notice the warmth it had underneath.

'That females heat is strong enough to effect Cadaver, crazy.'

The two end up sharing the same thought as they inhaled her smell as well. The airy sweet smell of a misty summer morning met the males nose as it's intoxicating note left him feeling weak.

"Sir, maybe we should isolate her...she might pose a danger to others and herself if she is-"

"You're right, my thoughts exactly."

'The actual-what's wrong with him!?' The male couldn't help but wonder as he glanced up at the young female. She was so timid and frail looking, it was a miracle she didn't die to the elements.

'Ash should have brought her to the colony, even if he thought she couldn't reproduce. It's too cruel, too monstrous.'

Though the up side is he has a shot, maybe after his wounds heal. There hasn't been a new female born in a while and none in the forest have been fertile or...tame enough to take back. So this was pretty much the chance of a lifetime.

'Which god smiles upon you female?'


"Welcome to your new nest."

The male hummed as we entered into a dark and dim cave. I could barely see the space right in front of me as my bare feet hesitantly stepped forward.

"So a it's on the side of a cliff...amazing." I looked back at the entrance behind me. Low light leaked in as the sunrise came over the horizon allowing orange to paint the inside of the cave shyly.

"Why don't we escort you to a chamber now? We have plenty to spare seeing as everyone has returned to their kin trees." The violet eye having brute turned to one of his followers while nudging me along and made a few short clicks.


The tension in the air didn't settle as I walked further into the cave as someone left through the mouth of the cave. The floor was deathly cold under the soles of my feet as I began to shiver. Curiosity did prickled in the back of my mind as millions of questions formed the more I mulled over what those kin trees where and how the heck this scary guy can see in the dark. But my main concern was what was going to happen to me.

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now