Ch 6

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The early morning light woke me from my slumber while Corwin nudged me. "Avery, come on! Let's go play!" A grumbled left my lips as I squinted at the ball of energy. His fluffy tail was brushing against my side while he stood over top of me.

"Mmhh...give me like five minutes, please?" I rolled over to my side and made sure I put no pressure on my foot.

"Come on Avery, you say that every day! We are leaving tomorrow and won't have time to!" I didn't open my eyes but instead curled deeper into the furs. I could still feel him over me but he had gotten suspiciously quiet. Not to long later did a pair of hands yank the fur covering me free leaving me to hiss as the cool hair hit my skin. My eyes sharply darted around to find the proud looking perpetrator standing in over me. His smirk was remorseless as his handsome beastmen form stood tall compared to my laying form. Blush spread across my face as I looked away and shielded my eyes from his nude body.

"Jesus help me, Corwin! Put on a skirt. You don't see me naked do you!?" Carefully I worked my way out of his shadow and towards a wall to help me stand. The silence that fallowed made me wonder what exactly he was thinking in this moment.

"Right...anyways Avery, what do you want to play? We can throw that seed back and forth from yesterday. Or we can try to make that frisbee. Or-oof" Corwin had the wind knocked out of him as Milori hit his stomach with a folded skirt in hand. Milori looked at me with apologetic eyes as he held a basket in his other arm. Around Milori's waist was a grey short fur animal skin skirt.

"Good morning Avery, I hope you slept well," Milori spared Corwin a glance before walking closer to me. "If you would like to sleep more you can."

"No...I'm wide awake now..." I rubbed the back of my neck before looking back at the basket Milori had. "What is that if you don't mind me asking?"

Milori handed me the small basket with care. Inside I could see a scrap of animal skin, a small pot, and underneath soft looking animal furs.

My body felt stiff as I looked at the smoky copper fur before focusing my gaze back up at Milori.

"Are these-?"

A warm smile bloomed on his once robotic features. "Yes, after helping me for the past few days I thought it was only fair you get to keep a pelt of your own."

I couldn't stop the infectious smile that painted my face silly as I sat down outside to inspect the gifts more closely. Inside the small clay pot I had made a few days ago I found dried yellow flowers, smelling like vanilla and gardenias. The large patch of fur in the basket was indeed something I helped Milori in tanning and caring for the delicate hairs to maintain their softness. This one in particular was the sample I admired most. The shimmering holds from the ginger reds of the fox fur sparkled in the morning suns rays. The soft musky ash grey coated a smokey pattern over the reds and gave off a very rich ensamble of patterns to follow. I traced the lines carefully as I thought of what to do with it. It was quiet large compared to what an earth fox would be, almost taking up five coats of fur in one.

"These flowers can be used to wash your hair, there is a small spring nearby to do that." Milori smiled while watching me embrace the fur pelt. "If you need anything just ask. I have to go and see if the area is still safe before you go off to the spring. Corwin will be here with you today."

I nodded my head while I watched him take off in his wolf form. Looking back at Corwin I began asking him questions.

"Should I make a blanket? Should I try making clothes? Gah I don't know even a pillow sounds nice to make." My indecisiveness caused Corwin to laugh aloud.

"Why not make them all? I can help you if you want! I-Im not as good as Milori when it comes to sewing but I can give you some furs I have saved and-" I stopped Corwin with a shake of my head.

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now