Ch 13

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The warmth of the furs was comforting as I rolled around and took in a deep breath. It was peaceful in the dark room as the slumbering sounds echoed off the walls. My eyes lazily opened one after the other as I looked around. Darkness greeted me with no surprise while I sighed. I laid there unable to really bring myself to sit up and stretch, more so content with sulking and losing myself in thought.

'Everythings okay. I'll get out of here eventually. It just takes time, I mean one more day wouldn't hurt anyone.'

A rumble of emotions slowly passed over me as I stared at the ceiling. The scars I left on the wall indicated I was here for four days and fading into a fifth and I couldn't help but think of the wolves.

'There alright. They are strong. They aren't going to die.'

The frown on my face didn't change. As I continued to stare into the darkness I couldn't help but start feel claustrophobic as my chest felt weighted. I hated the dark and heights which made it harder to find the bright side in my situation. When I was camping with the wolves the moons at least gave off a glow through the clouds and canopy.

'I never really got to see the night sky clearly.' I sighed to myself. 'At least not here in this world.'

You're acting like you'll never go outside again.

A small voice in the back of my head chuckled.

'Screw off I'm sulking.' I angerly shoved the voice aside. My head felt a bit fuzzy however as I casted the voice away. 'Its not like I can just ask them, right?'

Something clawed against my question.

Who said you couldn't?

It smiled and I paused.

"Yeah why couldn't I?" I muttered.


The chamber was lively again as Brynn rose what felt like hours after me. Cliff set off collecting ingredients for breakfast as I was tasked with watching Branch and making sure he stayed out of trouble. The sizzling of eggs on a pan rang through the room as fresh seasonal fruit where pulverized once Cliff returned.

"How did you sleep Avery?" Brynn asked as I ate my fried eggs while the rest of them drank the fruit drink Brynn made.

My eyelids felt heavy as I looked over at her but all I could do was smile. "I slept alright, what are we doing today?"

"I was thinking we finish making those clothes for you today. We can also keep decorating the chamber. Oh and-"

Brynn went rambling on and on of her mostly spontaneous ideas to keep ourselves occupied. Though my heart was beating wildly in my chest as I thought of what to say.

Stop being a coward! just say what you want, idiot.

The voice rippled through my skull.

'I got it! Stop pressuring me!' I pressed back against the ripple allowing it to simmer down into a shallow annoyance. It was weird though how my usual self-loathing thoughts seemed to be more...distinct. like I was actually engaging in conversation and not a made up scenario in my head.

I just pushed it away however not really thinking more about how I might actually be going crazy. I mean that would be too soon, right?

"Is...something wrong?" Brynn furrowed her brows as she looked me over. "You don't look too well."

This is your chance, say it!

"I uh...I'm fine." I mumbled and have a weak smile.


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