Chapter 8

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One Week Later

Nadia's pov

Today is the day Dean and I let my mom take Deanna to Florida to keep her safe and prevent the dream vision I had of Lucifer using Deanna as a vessel.

I'm not gonna let Lucifer take my daughter and use her as his new vessel. Sam's not here, neither is Cas.

They decided to give Dean and me time alone with Deanna. My mom and Kivon are here as well.

They're getting Deanna's stuff in my mom's car. I held Deanna, she coos in my arms.

I looked at her, trying not to cry. It's the hardest thing for me and Dean to do.

Deanna looks at me, smiling and cooing. I smiled softly.

"There's my happy sweet girl," Dean said, smiling. Deanna smiles at Dean.

I hand Deanna to him. "Hey there, sweet girl," he said, kissing her cheek.

Deanna giggles. I smiled softly, I kissed her cheek as well.

"Well Deanna, you're gonna live with your Gigi Roussell to keep you safe," I said. "Mommy and I have to protect you from something bad happening to you," Dean said.

My mom walks over. "Aww, family picture?" my mom asked. Dean and I nodded.

He wraps his arm around me. We smiled softly.

My mom took multiple pictures of us with Deanna. "There we go," she said.

"Send that to me, Mom," I said. "I will. Do you two need more time with Deanna?" she asked.

"Just a few more minutes," Dean said. My mom nodded. "I got her stuff in the car," Kivon said.

I nodded, thanking them. "Can you two wait outside please? We'll be out in a few," I said.

They nodded, heading outside. I sighed softly, sniffling. I dried my tears.

"It's gonna be okay. Your mom and Kivon will keep her safe," he said.

I nodded. "I know but I am still scared that something will happen to her," I said, sniffling.

"It's a maternal instinct. After my mom died, I had to be a father and a mother to Sam. It wasn't easy to keep Sam safe and protect him. After Sam left for college, I still worried about something bad happening to him. That's what your feeling. You and I are alike. We'll do anything to protect the ones we love. Becoming a father to my own child, its changed me. I'm not gonna raise and treat Deanna like how my dad raised Sam and me into this," he said.

I nodded. "We were both traumatized. We just don't want Deanna to go through what you and Sam went through as children," I said.

Dean nodded. "It shows us that we care for our baby and her safety," he said.

I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder. We gave Deanna kisses on her cheek.

I took off a locket necklace that I have on. "What's that?" he asked.

I put it around her neck, showing Dean. "It's a locket. It's a photo of us from the photo booth," I said, opening it.

Dean looks at it, smiling. "At least Deanna will know and remember who her parents are," he said, smiling softly.

"I know. Want to hold her?" I asked. Dean nodded. I handed Deanna to Dean, letting him hold her.

Dean holds Deanna in his arms. Deanna coos and smiles. Dean smiles at her, getting glossy eyed.

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