Chapter 34

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Nadia's pov

It's the next morning. Dean's feeling a bit better now. His shoulder is still black, purple and veiny.

We are getting close to the Silo camp.
It's snowing on us. We sneak over as we're getting closer.

"There it is," I whispered. "Silo. He wasn't kidding," Dean said.

"Gratifying," Ketch said. "Now what?" I asked, quietly.

Dean grabbed his bag, getting his stuff out. "Here. Use this babe," he said, putting bullets into my gun.

He gives it to me. "Remember how to shoot?" he asked.

"Breathe, exhale and pull?" I asked, taking the safety off. "Gently and quickly," Dean said.

"Let's go," Ketch said. We got up with our weapons with angel killing bullets.

I put the angel blade in my pocket and my blade in my boot. We stood behind a shack, seeing other angels in a line.

"The Resistance will be broken. It is broken," he paused as two of them brought Charlie out.

" by one. Your leaders are being rooted out and destroyed. Soon there'll be none of you," he continued.

They put Charlie by the pillar, tying her up. She cries out for help.

I see a man in black with a giant blade in his hands, going near Charlie. "Nadia," Dean whispered.

I grabbed a grenade out of my pocket, giving it to him. "Thank you," he whispers.

I look on as the man holds it to her neck. Charlie gets scared. "All hail Michael!" he said.

Dean unhooks the grenade, throwing it over. I covered my ears as it exploded.

"Now!" I yelled. We start shooting at the angels, the lights dying.

"Nadia, get Charlie," Dean said. Dean and Ketch continue to shoot at them.

"Half-breed that Ligeia wants," the one said, charges at me. I did a ninja roll, stabbing them with an angel blade that Cas gave me.

He groans as the lights die on him. I rushed over to Charlie.

I grabbed my blade, cutting the ropes. "It's okay. We're here to help," I said.

"Who the Hell are you, beautiful?" she asked. "No time. We need to go," I said. Charlie ran ahead of us.

"Come on," Dean said as Ketch continued to shoot. We started running after we killed most of them.


We head back to the portal. Charlie's with us, we're telling her about our world and our Charlie.

"So there's another world, a better world with no Michael, and there's another me?" she asked.

"Had," Dean said. "And were you two friends with her? Me? Her?" she asked.

"Yes, very," Dean said. "How very?" she asked.

"Well she was into chicks," Dean said. "Oh.. I like her. What about you is beautiful? Were you two lovers?" she asked me.

"No. Sam and Dean used her as bait to trap me. She and I did make out but that is what Charlie and I did once. Then we developed a sister relationship. Was there a girl like me in this world?" I asked.

"There was. She was a pure blood Succubus named Nadia in this world," Charlie said. "What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking," I said.

"This world's Nadia used to work for this world's Michael. Nadia didn't like how Michael was treating everyone. So she rebelled against Michael. I hooked up with her sometimes. Then one day our world Michael found her.. She sacrificed herself to save us," she said.

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