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The walk home was long and boring, despite the lovely sunset that was just a few minutes from erupting into beautiful hues to spread across the sky like a painting come to life.

My legs slightly ached from standing all day and my head hurt from the tight ponytail I wore. My legs sweated because of the black jeans I decided to wear that day, which pained me inside.

I slowly walked over to my apartment complex and although it being small, it had four homes inside. One belonging to me, one vacant, the other two belonging to two college students. The apartments consisted of almost the same layout, a living room with a connected kitchen, a bedroom with an ensuite and a small balcony. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

With me moving out of my parents for the first time about eight months ago, it was a nice first place. Somewhere I can fully call home.

Life is relatively easy yet repetitive. Routines can be good, but it gets very boring after a while.

As I come into the grounds of the complex, I notice something. In the window of the vacant apartment, the 'FOR SALE' sign had vanished. My eyebrows raise at this, wanting a new neighbour for a long time. I immediately cheered up and smiled slightly, walking faster to the door to the hall of our apartment doors. The first floor had the two college students, whilst I was on the second to the right. The soon-to-be neighbour was on the left, right opposite mine. I quickly headed in and saw that the sign on the door had gone as well. I entered my apartment and hurried to get out of my work clothes and to get into something comfier.

I wondered on who my neighbour would be, as I saw nobody within the window. Possibly they are moving in tomorrow or in a week or so? I ought to bake them something, I thought. Some cookies or cake or banana bread, my speciality. In my spare time, I liked to bake which was a pleasant calming hobby for me to take part in. I only did it about once a month, and I was all than excited to use that opportunity to bake for my new neighbour.

However, I concluded that it would be best to bake when they were present.

I just decided to get some sleep, still having the 'Ghost' person in the back of my mind as I drifted off into a deep, well needed slumber.


I woke up from my alarm at six thirty in the morning, groaning as I stepped out of bed.

I sigh, knowing today will be just like any other as I quickly got into uniform, putting a pair of black shorts on today along with the black t-shirt and putting my hair into a loose bun at the top of my head. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, knowing I forgot to last night.

I re-did my makeup and grabbed my essentials in my tote again, putting on some sneakers and walking to work once more.

Putting my headphones in as I walked was the highlight of my day, just playing my playlist as I walked to work put me at ease and motivated me for the day ahead.

I arrived to the coffee shop about fifteen minutes later, opening the back door and putting my tote down in my small locker, grabbing my apron and visor and adjusting them on me.

I tighten the apron and make a bow at the back and put the visor over my bun and walk out, seeing I'm the only one there. After all, the cafe opens at seven and it's six forty nine now.

I had ten minutes to myself, to which I concluded on making myself a quick cup of tea. I turned on the kettle and got the water boiling, grabbing a mug, the teabag, a sugar and the jug of milk as the kettle whistled.

I pour the water in, putting the teabag in with it and pour the milk in, the sugar packet after. I stir it round and sip it, cupping the warm mug in my hands.

I sigh of pleasure, loving the taste of a good tea in the morning. I check my watch, six fifty two. Eight minutes.

I quickly drink and clean the mug, throwing the teabag away and putting everything how it was before. I glanced quickly at the clock on the wall to see it was finally seven and walked over to the front door, flipping the 'Closed' sign to say 'Open'.

I go back behind the desk and see that Riley still isn't here, although they was meant to work today. I groan, realising that they're probably sick as they're as early as I am on most days.

Great, facing the day alone.

A couple regulars walk in and I greet them, taking their drink orders and watching as they sit down. I do the routine of preparing and handing it over to them then cleaning the machine quickly then waiting once more.

It was a loop most days, the same people coming at the same times.

However, I managed to see something that didn't usually happen.

The tall, masked man walked in with it being seven thirty in the morning. He wore a much more casual outfit this time, being a black t-shirt and dark jeans accompanied by black sneakers. The balaclava didn't come off, however. Must be his trademark.

I look up at him once more, feeling deja vu wash over me, and greet him.

"Welcome back! What can I get you?"

"Tea, one sugar." he repeats, same as yesterday, still coldly but a slight tiredness in his voice. I smile at him.

"£1.90, please. Whenever you're ready."

I walk over to the kettle and begin boiling the water as I hear him tap his card. I turn my head over my shoulder and smile, his eyes already looking at me, tracing every move I made.

"Take away or drink in?"

"Drink in."

"A name for the tea, please, sir?"

"Ghost." he bluntly says, clearly not much of a talker. I furrow my brow slightly at his lack of manners or communication, but everyone is different and why should I judge? I pour the water into a mug and dip a teabag in, putting milk and one sugar in his tea before turning my head again and seeing him still watching me make his drink.

A shiver goes down my spine at his eyes boring into the back of my head.

"You can sit anywhere, I'll take your drink to you, sir." I say, breaking the unknown silence between us, as if we were the only ones here. However, the same as yesterday, the sounds of quiet conversation and tapping on keyboards echoed around the room faintly.

He nods and slowly walks over to a cushioned armchair tucked in the corner, him stretching his legs out under the coffee table and resting his arms, one propping his head up, holding his chin and still looking at me as I finish up his drink and walk from the trapdoor in the counter towards him, holding his mug of tea.

I arrive to his table and bend down, putting the mug infront of him.

"Enjoy! Just let me know if you need anything else." I say, looking up at him and causing our eyes to meet. My (e/c) eyes get studied by his ones, with me being a lot nearer then our last interactions.

I walk off after he shakes his head yes and I feel his gaze burning into the back of my head as I walk behind the counter to daydream until another customer enters.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now