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anyways continuing on with the story :wink:


Time: 2:49am.

The televisions screen blares a late night show, something random that I'm not paying attention to, as I lay on the sofa staring at the ceiling.

Riley is snoring incredibly loud, the light from the television has shone on me for too long and everything seems in the right place for me not to get some sleep tonight. I sigh, getting up from my blanket embrace and turn off the television. I go and grab my phone in my bedroom, to find a notification on it.

I furrow my eyebrows as the face ID doesn't work, so by using my passcode I check the message.

Unknown Number   01:32

Hey, it's me.

My cheeks flare up at the text and a smile creeps across my lips, knowing who it is. I go and save the contact, feeling my smile creep to the corners of my eyes creasing them slightly. I sit down on my bed as I reply.

Me  02:51

hiya! got this a bit late haha

I shut off my phone and go to stand up, only to feel it vibrate against my palm, then once more.

Simon/Ghost  02:51

Hello. What are you doing awake at three in the morning?

I chuckle softly at his concern, then respond.

Me  02:52

rileys snoring super loud and i cant sleep. they went to bed like half n hour ago tho so

Simon/Ghost 02:52

Ah, right. Are you not concerned for your sleep?

Me  02:52

not rlly idc much

Simon/Ghost 02:52

Translate that, please...

A laugh erupts from my mouth as I acknowledge his lack in abbreviations, only making me even more willing to talk to him. To teach him them, to spend time with him. After what had happened hours earlier, my mind wouldn't stop racing.

Me  02:52

rlly means really and idc means i dont care

Simon/Ghost  02:53

You don't care for your sleep?

Me  02:53

nah not much lol

Simon/Ghost  02:53

If you can't sleep, you can come here.

I blush at his text, not responding for a moment before I just process what I read. Another text.

Simon/Ghost 02:53

Hello? Are you there? Do I have to knock to see if you died?

Me 02:53

no no dw haha
very forward of you to say that hm?

Simon/Ghost  02:54

Is it too forward? I thought you liked it.

Me  02:54

maybe. not saying i didnt.

Simon/Ghost 02:54

Then why did you leave so soon last time? I actually had to do things when you went.

I sigh, remembering what happened a few days before. I pout my lips and text back.

Me  02:55

idk. sorry lol
idk means i dont know and lol means laugh out loud by the way

Simon/Ghost 02:55

I may be stupid but I'm not that stupid. My teammates talk like you do most of the time. It's embarrassing.

Me  02:56

ooh yeah forgot you were in the military
did they not come down with u or smth?

Simon/Ghost 02:56

No. They've got their own things to do.

Me  02:56

oh fair enough, i bet your friends are nice

Simon/Ghost 02:56

Let's not talk about that. I wouldn't want to disappoint you.

Me  02:57

oh shush you
very cheeky tonight are we?

Simon/Ghost 02:57

Say that to my face.

Me 02:57

no :)

Simon/Ghost 02:57

I can literally knock your door down and make you say it.

Me  02:57

pls dont, if u missed me just say so

Simon/Ghost 02:58

Was it not clear enough? When are you coming round, then?

Me  02:58

never >:)
just gonna have to sleep without me yk?

There was no reply for a short time, until I heard a soft knock on my door. I slowly get up to open it, peeking my head round to find nobody.

I furrow my eyebrows as I open the door more and check right down the hallway, then when I look left, Ghost looks at me, making me jump.

"Holy fuck, my poor soul." I whisper as he laughs under his breath. He looks down at me with squinted eyes, I can see a smirk through his balaclava. I lean on my doorframe and look up with big eyes, a slightly pouted lip and a small, soft smile.

He bends down slightly and leans against the wall to match me. "Still a never? I needed to hear you say it." he whispers to me, his gaze focused on me with lust and intent behind it. I blush heavily, giggling slightly.

"Mhm, never. Never gonna see me again, either. I'll move all the way to Antarctica." I reply, teasingly, folding my arms and smirking. My expression is playful, and he reacts by drawing his gaze up and down my body.

He softly sighs. "Shame. I'll just have to track you down, you know? I've got a task force, hun."

I bite my bottom lip softly to try to repell my red cheeks and barely reply. "They'd look for months. Waste of time, no?"

He raises his eyebrows and leans off the wall, taking a couple steps closer to me. He grabs my chin and lifts it up to ensure our gazes are met.

"Not at all." he whispers, he bends down slightly so our faces are much closer, his breath radiates on my parted lips. His thumb traces my bottom lip slowly and seductively.

"I would make my team look for months just to see your pretty face."

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now