Thirty Three

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My world stopped.

My heart froze.

I stood there, still like a statue. Like I had just looked at Medusa, her green skin and her snake hair. Her piercing eyes shooting daggers through my heart, turning my smile into a blank, dull expression.

I couldn't even lean on the counter to support my weak legs, my heart pulling my body down to the core of the Earth to try and feel some warmth after what I had just seen.

Lola's face left Ghost's and she sat back in her own seat but basically all over Ghost, taking a quick glance behind her to look at me. My eyes quickly went down to the register in front of me, acting as if I hadn't seen a thing. I heard a small, light chuckle and then silence.

It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Hell, a crumb hit the floor.

I look back at Riley, who already was walking over towards me. They whispered some things, my mind not even bothering to register what they were saying. I was already focused on the event I had just seen.

Why do I even care so much? He isn't mine. He doesn't love me. But... what if he did? He kisses me like he loves me. He hugs me like he loves me. Hell, he even speaks and texts me like he loves me. The kisses he sends are represented as his heart speaking, not his thumbs. Or is that my delusions? Are my thoughts just insanity? Is he really just pulling at my heart strings?

"Riley, I need to step outside a second." I murmur, having no tone within my voice, completely blank. My mind felt full and empty at the same time, I couldn't pick.

They nod and hold my back, guiding me outside. They open the back door and I lean against the wall staring at the concrete floor. I wanted to distract myself, just to think about anything else. The amount of cracks in the pavement, the amount of stones I could see. The colours I saw, the shadows of the pebbles on the concrete, them together. Them together, kissing, smiling, laughing, being happy. Happier than me. Wait... no. No no no no...

I swallow and lean my head back on the cold bricks. We had cuddled earlier this morning, I could still feel the lingering touch across my back. His warm, rough hands that had been so harsh to others but loving to me, now on some other woman. He probably did this for fun, he's incredibly handsome so I wouldn't think twice at the amount of attraction he must get. That's it, yeah. I'm just another woman. I wonder how many times he has hurt women like me. Absolutely tore them apart.

A tear sheds down my cheek as I press my lips into a thin line.

I take a deep breath, taking in as much air as I could and exhaled, taking a few more deep breaths before fanning my face with my hands, wiping my eyes and swallowing the lump in my throat away before heading back inside. I had a job to do, even if my heart just got shattered into millions of shards, so sharp that to anyone who tried to mend it would have bloodied hands afterwards.

The door clicks open and Riley peers over, showing a compassionate smile. I flash them a small one back before standing in front of the register once more, my hands gripping the counter to support my weight. I only look down or backward. Never forward. If I did, I would probably want to throw up.

I hear Riley's footsteps behind me, going through the trapdoor and walking over to the area where the other two are, quietly telling them that we are closing in five minutes and to please hurry up with their business. I take another deep breath, hearing Lola's squeaky, American acknowledgement and the movement of chairs. Light sneakers followed by heavy boots, the bell rang once. Then it was quiet.

"Hey, y/n?" Riley quietly says, standing to the side of me.

My head perks up towards them and I raise my eyebrow. My soulless, (e/c) eyes look at Riley's.


"You can go home, I'll clean up. Do you want me to walk you home?"

"It's alright. I can walk home by myself. Thank you, though." I blankly say, leaning off of the counter and taking off the apron, feeling the bow tied by Ghost hours before. I bite my bottom lip and untie it, biting hard enough to feel the metallic taste in my mouth.

I hang up the apron and grab my tote, grabbing my earphones and putting them in my ears, playing some music to walk home to. I play my favourite playlist and begin my walk home, looking at the ground all the way. I knew the way home so well that I could probably do it blindfolded, so why not do it whilst looking down the entire time? That way, if I accidentally bump into them, I don't have to look at them.

My heart hung low as I arrived at my complex, unlocking the door and closing it behind me, heading for the staircase to get to my apartment. I kept my eyes downward and looked at the red, worn carpet as I paced.

I reached my door and heard the click open of the door adjacent. I don't turn around, getting my keys out and unlocking my door, slipping inside and closing it. Before I went inside, I heard the beginning of a word, but my mind was too clouded to even know what it was.

I throw my tote on my sofa and slump in my bed, kicking off my shoes near the door. I lay on my front and bury my face inside a pillow, my earphones still in. I then hear the notification sound through my ears. I prop my chin on my pillow as I grab my phone and check it.


Simon/Ghost  16:52

Hey, you stormed into your place. I was going to ask if you wanted to watch a movie with me tonight, are you okay? X

Simon/Ghost  16:54

Am I going to have to knock your door down? Please answer love. Xx

I unlock my phone and read the messages, over and over. How could he send me any form of kiss when he kissed another girl? Right infront of me?! Does he not care? He doesn't... at all.

A lump in my throat forms and another tear trickles down my already red face as my anger and sadness flood my thoughts, smothering me with the things that I hate to think.

I reply to his text, holding my breath and biting my lip to not burst into tears. I hesitate to send, a shaking thumb pressing the 'Send' button.

Me  16:55

bold of u to send xs you know

He responded instantly.

Simon/Ghost  16:55

What do you mean? X

Me  16:55

i saw u making out w lola

Simon/Ghost  16:55

I never kissed her??

Me  16:56

i fucking saw you in the cafe ghost. she was all over you

It was silent for a while before I heard another ding from my phone.

Simon/Ghost  16:57

It's best if we talk about this face to face.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now