Thirty Four

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I gulp.

What does he mean by "talk about it face to face"? Does he have something to confess? Does he not want to know me? Are him and Lola dating? Is it good or bad? What on Earth is happening...

My breathing increases as my shaky thumbs manage to barely type a responce.

Me  16:58

okay, ill open my door

My legs feel too weak to move but I manage to waddle over to the door, unlocking it with shaking hands. As I slowly back away, not even enough time to step back, Ghost enters and scans the room, seeing me with puffy, red eyes and leaning against the wall.

He stands still, looking down at me. His eyes turn big and worried, immediately bending down to my height and taking my hands. "Hey hun, don't cry c'mon..." he whispers caringly, rubbing my small, shaking hands with his big thumbs as I sniffle and try to look anywhere else but him.

I felt sadness; I felt weak; I felt rage; I felt betrayed. I couldn't speak, when I tried to I bit my tongue not to let out a heavy sob.

I bent down and sat against the wall, crossing my legs. He sat with me and kept his hands on mine, looking down at my hung head, tears hitting my carpet.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here..." he says softly, swallowing after his sentence, most likely swallowing a lump in his throat from my sadness.

My bottom lip quivers as his caring words bounce off of me, not wanting to believe it really is okay. I know it isn't okay. He just wants to trap me again, so I ignore his words. Until he let go of my left hand and grabbed the bottom of my chin, lifting my hung head to look at him, his sad eyes turning glossy.

"Can I tell you what really happened?" he asks quietly, a slight break in his voice obviously feeling upset by what happened.

I nod fast but short, taking deep breaths as he continues to hold my chin, rubbing my right hand with his left one. His thumb traces my soft (s/c) skin, making circles and drawing lines, trying to do anything to get me to calm down without putting too much onto me at once.

And he began explaining.

"In the cafe, Lola came in. She had asked where I was and I answered, her arriving five minutes later. She sat by me and was initiating conversation and I didn't want to be rude to your friend so I engaged. We had many conversations but it was mainly her speaking, rambling about what not."

I nod along slowly, swallowing and calming down hearing his voice talk so calmly to me. If he was lying, he was damn good at it.

"As you were closing up, I was getting tired of her talking at me so I told her that I'd probably go soon, but she refused and got frustrated. She then was trying to flirt with me, slowly making more obvious regards. Then, well, as you saw, she got on top of me and she tried to kiss me, attempting to lift my mask. I gripped her wrist and tugged it away, scolding her and shaming her, but she thought it was some sort of foreplay, so she kept trying..." he continued, his voice slowly getting frustrated remembering what happened.

"When your friend came over, she looked annoyed but still flirted with me, I said I wanted to leave and she followed. She then pulled me away before when we went round the corner, I yanked her off and yelled at her, shaming her for her actions and for ever thinking that she was a good friend to you and in general. She cried and ran away, then I knew I couldn't go back in from how upset you looked, so I just went home. I'm so fucking sorry, y/n."

By the time he had finished, tears were printed through his balaclava and his eyes were as puffy as mine. He told me the truth completely. He even pulled out his phone and showed me how her number was removed - me also seeing that my contact had a heart next to it and was pinned, making my cheeks blush slightly - and that she tried to contact him again but he ignored it. He was truly sorry for making me cry and for not seeing me sooner.

He told me that he only tried to avoid the conversation of "kissing" her because he didn't want me to feel like he was lying. He explained everything. And I believed him, I couldn't think any other way. It was the one thing I needed to hear. Yes, he was telling me what I wanted to hear but I knew it was genuine and truthful.

His head hangs low and sniffles come from him quietly. I shuffle from my cross legged sit and wrap my arms around him, putting my knees between his legs and kneeling to wrap my arms around his neck, over his shoulders, and embrace him for a hug. One that was needed for both of us.

He rests his head on my shoulder and my shirt gets wet from his tears flowing down his face, him sobbing now. I pat his back.

"It's okay, I believe you." I whisper, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm here for you. You can stay here tonight, you need it."

He nods and wraps his arms around me, us hugging on the floor.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now