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Me and Riley both arrive at my apartment complex, with Riley's sleepover bag of goodies in hand. We've had a lot of talk on the journey; why they missed work, general life, how their cats are doing. But, as expected, it was mainly about Ghost.

How he looked at me, how his eyes followed my move and looked at me with such intent. How it hasn't been a week and he already is in "love" with me, which I really don't believe. They still can't believe I brushed off sleeping with him, it's ridiculous!

We unlock the door to my apartment, rather loudly talking about Ghost and I and our encounters, however I hush them as we walk into my front room, trying to not give away that we are talking about him. After all, I saw him in the window looking out, down at us loudly talking. 

His eyes bored into us.

Me, specifically.

I shut the door and walk over to the kitchen, beginning to grab popcorn, crisps, marshmallows and other snacks for movie marathons, throwing food in eachother's mouths and other silly things. When we slept over, we did it like teenage girls.

"Girl, we can prank call tonight too! I remembered my old phone!"

"Oh my god, yes!" I reply, a large grin plastered on my face in excitement.

"Holy fuck, do you have Ghost's number..?"

I shake my head, raising my eyebrow and the idea.

"We could ding dong ditch him..." they said as an ultimatum.

"The person right across from me?" I scoff.

"Duh!" they exclaim, putting their hands on their hips and smugly grinning, tilting their head down slightly and giving me 'the look'.

"I do not want to do that, it would be so awkward if he was, like, right there in front of the door. Seeing two people run away like teenagers giggling? Ugh...I hate bad impressions..."

"I don't think he'd care. He'd love to see you, I know that for sure."

I scoff, slightly blushing. I cover it by turning around and reaching for glasses to get water for the both of us. A small smile is on my rosy lips at their comment.

"Probably not..." I manage to say quietly.

"I see the way he looks at you, y/n! He's got them hunter eyes. He wants to fu-"

"Alright, alright." I interrupt, clearing my throat and looking behind my back as I go to the sink to fill up the glasses. "We can ding dong ditch him."

Riley giggles in excitement at the idea, which leads me to laugh as well.

"Right, here's some water. Let me get some pajamas on, get yours on."

They nod, us both going into my bedroom to change. Being best friends, we aren't at all uncomfortable to change in the same room. We playfully banter at eachother's looks, I banter their mole right above their belly button and they joke about my 'third nipple'. It's rather stupid, but that's our love.

We come to the living room afterwards; I'm wearing a. off the shoulder baggy band-tee and small sleeping shorts. They're wearing an oversized zip up hoodie half zipped up and a baggy shirt, paired with plaid pants coordinating to their outfit. I have my hair in a messy bun to keep it out of my face and theirs is down. Our natural looks are the ones we know best, a true sibling like bond.

We sit down on the sofa, me crossing my legs and them manspreading, as they usually did.

"Right, so what first?"

"I really wanna watch a horror movie and I don't know why."

"Go on then." I throw over the remote and put my feet on the coffee table, budging closer and putting a blanket over us both. They put on Scream and, for the first five minutes, gush on how hot Ghostface is. Usual behaviour.

"He is so unbelievably attractive, like I do NOT have a boyfriend. I am yours, sir!"

"Fucking hell, your obsession is crazy."

They then look at me and smirk, side eyeing me and nudging my arm.

"You know who's called Ghost and wears a mask?"

I roll my eyes smiling, diverting my attention to them. "Yes, yes I do. So why don't you obsess over him?"

"Fucking hell, he's all yours. He would not look at me that way, would he?"

I laugh softly at their comment, my cheeks flaring as the movie continues, looking back at it.

I do have to agree - Ghostface is quite attractive. The thought of a strong, masked man being flirtatious with me would drive me crazy. Wait... what am I saying? That just makes me agree with Riley on Ghost. They are similar in a way though... no, God. Stop it, y/n. Look at the movie, don't be stupid. Focus on the movie before-

Riley softly chuckles. "I know what you're thinking."

"Shut up, will ya!" I blurt out, blatantly admitting my thoughts. I flare at the cheeks and watch the movie.

As the movie comes to an end, I stand up from the warmth of the blanket. Riley looks at me and part their lips, perking up on the sofa. Before they get a word out, I interrupt.

"Yes, we can. Let's go." I state, knowing they'd just ask to bother Ghost. Poor guy.

We both giggle as we get our slippers on, slowly creaking open the door. Our soft whispers and exclaims can be heard throughout the hall, which we were totally oblivious of.

We thought we were being spies, like the CIA. However, imagination always gets the best of us.

We creep slowly to Ghost's door and I nudge Riley to knock, but they nudge back. We have a short bicker over who knocks but then they grip my arm and I wince quietly, glaring darts at them.

"Fuck you." I whisper as I step once more closer to the door, raising my hand to knock.

I swallow away the lump in my throat as I go to knock, but the door opens suddenly and before I could grasp what was happening, a strong, veiny and rough hand grabs my wrist and pulls me inside. I wince and shut my eyes and hear the door lock close. I then get pressed against the door, my other hand now held above my head by rough digits. The feeling of a warm embrace overcomes me as I slowly open one eye to a wall of black, tight fabric and the sound of quiet, heavy breathing.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now