Thirty Seven | Good Ending 2

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a/n: the bad endings are next so if you dont want to read them, dont

i am not getting the ukelele by the way...

That day, that final day, I wanted to take Ghost to somewhere where I knew that it would have a lot of meaning for me. Somewhere where it would reflect everything of my life, and the life I wanted to start with him.

So, I took him to the local beach. But not just the beach.

There were a bunch of specific rocks within a cave that me and my friends always used to play at, hang out with. Even in my teens, we got drunk there and we shared first kisses and secrets there. It was a safe place for me, and it would mean the world to me if Ghost was there too.

Therefore, we both walked down there. I guided him through the rocks to get there and followed the desired path we had engraved through the sand and dirt, finally getting to the little cave that seemed a lot bigger when I was small.

We sat next to each other and just talked, not a moment within there was silent with our laughter and voices echoing off of the walls and arches. The "seats" - as I called them - were worn down over years of sitting, which made it perfect to sit on without getting any pain. He had his arm around me sometimes, or his hand in mine; every second in that cave he held me somehow. We cuddled in there, we just simply spoke, we joked and laughed, we confessed. It was everything.

However, one thing wasn't said by Ghost nor me.

Our love for each other.

As Ghost checked his watch, he looked down at me still giggling from a joke he said a minute beforehand.

"Hey, y/n. I think it's time to go." he states, me looking up at him and my large smile fading to a small one.

"Alright. I'll walk you to where you need to be." I reply softly, knowing and understanding that it was time and that I couldn't prevent it, so why object?

We both walked out of the cave and we had small talk on the way there. Mainly, about his role in the military and what he did, some stories of what he had accomplished and what he had seen. It was incredibly impressive what this man had done and achieved that I was applauding him by the time we got to the airport of the town.

The airport was small, with only one runway. Tourists mainly travelled here by cruise or yacht or a form of water transport, never usually plane from the sparse flights that were coming through the airport.

I looked through to the runway to see a small military style jet waiting, with a couple people taking photographs as they hadn't seen such thing up close before.

We embraced in a final hug as he held onto his bags that he had brought with him.

"I promise I'll be back." he whispers, handing me a key. "A spare key to my apartment if you miss me that much."

I nod and, with tears in my eyes, wave goodbye as he walks through to the runway, being greeted by a soldier who allowed him in.

I watched the jet fly off and wiped the tears away, clutching the key close to my heart as I looked at it soar in the sky.


The week went by rather fast. I slept easily and didn't worry as much as I thought I would. If I ever did get nervous or unsettled, I went into Ghost's apartment and had a nap on his bed or just embraced the smell and the scenery. His apartment wasn't too decorative, a simple layout. Not many pictures hung up, but every time I slept in his bed I made sure to leave a handwritten note on the nightstand, writing down how I felt and how I now feel, how much I missed him and how I hoped he was okay. I made sure to sign the dates of the note and to always leave a kiss as I signed it off.

I wasn't planning on delivering the notes, I wanted Ghost to find them tucked away in his nightstand drawer one day, reading them and remembering what it was like then, only if we were to know each other in the future. I hoped that'd be the case...

It had been a week since his departure, the day he was due to come back, and I waited at the airport since about nine in the morning. I got excused the day off of work as Riley had briefly explained the reason to my boss, in which he wished me good luck.

I sat on the airport bench and waited, waiting for hours. I listened to music, read, got lunch. Every time I heard a plane, I looked over. Yet, I didn't see his jet.

A man sat next to me, even though most of the benches were empty. I was reading a book and didn't notice that he sat next to me. He peered over my shoulder - as I felt his shoulder dig into mine - and hummed.

"Not bad book you got there." he muttered.

I immediately looked up to see the balaclava I had longed to see. A smile grew on my face as I practically jumped out of my seat and yelped. "Simon!"

He laughed loudly and I lept into his arms, him hugging me back. He rubbed my back as tears of shock and happiness fell onto his shoulder, burying my face into the crook of his neck and taking in the cologne he always wore in the flesh and not off clothes and his pillow.

"I missed you so much..." I whispered and he chuckled softly.

"Same here. Get up a sec." he asked, which I did and I stood in front of him with a smile, my hands which were holding the book threw it on the seat next to him.

He dug his hands into his pocket and pulled out a small box wrapped with a lace bow.

I raise my eyebrow and my gaze lingers on the box, back up to him. "What's that?"

He gestures me to take it which I do, unwrapping it and slowly opening the lid.

A silver bracelet was gently placed on a black velvet mold, with a bag of various silver jewelled charms on the inside. I gasped and smiled looking up at him.

"Check the lid, love." he said, which I did. It had writing on it, coloured a glistening silver, which I had to read over twice, no, three times.

Will you be my girlfriend?

I was speechless, looking at him. A smile was imprinted through his balaclava and it was obvious that it was big from the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes showing it. I chuckled softly of surprise and slowly nodded, with me forming words shortly after.

"Yes, yes I will. Yes yes yes!" I say, slowly getting more excited through the sentence as I close the box and jump in his arms once more. He seats me on his thigh and gestures for me to give the box over. I give it to him and he opens it, getting the charms and putting them inside the lid.

"Which ones are your favourite? I got what I thought you'd like." he asks, me picking up the one with a heart and another with a skull on, referring to our new love and him always being with me through the skull mask he wore when we first met.

He grins and chuckles. "I just knew you'd pick them." applying them to the bracelet and putting it on my wrist - it's a perfect fit.

"Nice guess on my wrist size." I state, shocked by how well it fit.

"I have to admit, one night I measured your wrist's dimensions presuming it wouldn't grow." he admitted and smiled at me.

My eyebrows raised in disbelief and I laugh softly. "Damn, the commitment. I owe you one then."

"You owe me nothing apart from your love which you give me every day, darling."

I blush and lean my head on his shoulder, knowing that my whole life has changed now that Simon was here, and here to stay.


My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now