Twenty Three

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I bore my eyes into that fucker caressing her on the dance floor, freely moving his hands all over my girl.

To see her having fun with him makes my blood boil, waiting for the pot to spill burned me inside.

The smile on her face as they danced, her curves being grazed by his fingertips, where I should touch. Where only I can touch. It made me want to kill everyone in that fucking club.

My gaze shifts to her, and only her. Her dancing to Go Go Dancer made me fantasise, her begging to be let in and singing the lyrics to me. Her sorry little eyes boring into mine made my heart flutter. Then, he lent in.

I stand slightly as he lent in, but to see he whispered something to her made me retreat to my seat, clenching my fist.

What the fuck could he want to say to her?

She giggled to his statement as well. Watching her laugh being wasted on that useless bag of flesh is like listening to nails on a chalkboard.

He grabs her waist and leads her to the exit, only for me to see him run back in a few seconds later.

My only chance.

I walk up to him, scurrying around to his booth he sat with her before, presumably looking for something.

I grip his wrist tightly, catching him by surprise and not having enough time to react, pull him over to the bathroom, dragging him into the disabled bathroom for the space, locking the door.

"Hey man, what the- oh, your y/n's neighbour. What the fuck?" he yells in rage, him growling at me with his teeth that I can imagine piled on the floor.

"If you fucking touch her, I'll rip your spine out." I growl at him, my eyes narrowing and I bend down to get more level to his height, him being rather small. Another bad feature, how bad can this prick get?

"You know what? I'll touch her loads. In the spots she yearns to be touched in. She'll be moaning my na-"

His sentence gets cut off by a strong uppercut to his sorry little jaw and his perfect little face. He immediately flops down and bangs his head on the sink, slouching under it completely unconscious.

How pathetic.

I bend down and spit on him before punching his mouth once more with the opposing hand, hearing his teeth crack brings me great pleasure.

I stand and try to wash his blood off of my hands, but then I realise she's waiting out there. I do as best as I can, my blood still fueled with rage, me leaving the disabled toilet closed and light off. I walk out of the club entrance to see her, leaned against the wall and waiting for her fling, fed up and upset. She heard the door open and her head perks to look at me, except she gets disappointed which tugs at my heart.

Then, it turns to fear. She glances up at my face then my blooded knuckles, my squinted eyes and clenched jaw. I walk closer to her, but she walks away.

"Ghost..?" she whispers. It brushes against my ears and it causes me to calm down, to hear her voice. To see she's scared breaks my heart, so I loosen my shoulders and my rage fades faster then turning off a light.

"Are you alright?" I ask, softly as I can. I don't want her hurt, I don't want her scared. I want her to be safe, with me. And I will do anything to ensure it.

She explains what happened but I zone out slightly, just looking at her. Her dress hugs her features so well, fuck. How has such a pretty girl been bestowed upon me, to even be my neighbour and the first person not to look at me weird.

"He seemed like a bad person, I didn't trust him." I reply, turning to the side and clenching my jaw more. I was afraid that if she looked into my eyes, she'd work out what had happened. I didn't want to hurt her.

I sigh. "Let's get home." I walk over and run my hand on her back, beginning to walk her home.

We had slight small talk on the way home, but I zoned out through half of it. Except when she dared to question her beauty, then I had to say something. Otherwise, it was a quiet walk home. It was comfortably silent, I could easily listen out and protect her then. All I want to do is make sure she's safe.

We got into my apartment eventually and I grabbed some pajamas, walking into the bathroom to change.

As I slipped off my mask, I looked at my face. My cheeks flared a crimson red and I had a smile plastered on my face. It had been ages since I had seen a smile this happy - this smitten - before. It only made me smile more. I brush my teeth and floss, swashing my mouth with mouthwash and spitting it out, changing into some baggy pajamas, putting my balaclava back on.

However, once I left the bathroom, I saw her laying on my bed. Her short dress was rolled up, her thighs were spread on the bed. She looked weak, she looked defenseless, she looked so fucking hot.

I could imagine so many things I could do to her then. To just put my head on any part of her body would be bliss - either head would work as well.

As my eyes hungrily grazed her body, I felt my cock harden, my breathing went faster, my heartbeat got quicker, my thoughts got dirtier.


My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now