Chapter 29: Nothing Here is Simple

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With Kayla's assistance, I was pretty sure we had hit every single guest at the moon celebration. In spite of the fact that it was also an engagement party, it was still mostly wolves because there weren't too many other kinds of creatures with the werewolf moon fixation, and even though I was pretty sure most wolves wouldn't sit back while their mate was in the room, it was possible Wilson 2.0 might just exist, as unfortunate as that would be. If Jane's mate was here and was like that, it was probably better just to rip the bandage off.

But we had no luck, and Jane just seemed increasingly agitated with every wolf who wasn't her mate. We also spoke to the non-werewolf guests. I sort of thought that she might be mates with Vincent, because I could sort of imagine how dry parchment could maybe smell like delicious toast to a mate bond soaked mind. Plus, they would be a match made in reasonable heaven.

Unfortunately it was not to be, and while Vincent was as stiffly charming as ever, there were zero sparks between them.

Fortunately, she was repulsed by Lord Frye's oily charm, and there was nothing between her and the fairy in the flamboyant suit. We also met a pair of impressively horned Lagomorpha, a mermaid with a magic pendant allowing her legs to walk on dry land, and a harpy delegate from the other side of the planet. 

Kayla flopped down on an intricate bench tucked off into a calmer corner of the ballroom. "He's got to be here somewhere."

"If it's even her mate she's smelling." The next stop was definitely going to be the physician.

Jane sat down, too. "Whatever it is, that scent is everywhere we go." Jane didn't sound pleased by the observation. I imagined how frustrating it would have been if Arthur's delicious non-food scent had been coming from all directions. It was vexing for me, and it wasn't even my mate we were trying to find.

I sighed as I followed the other two down, pretending to be the graceful princess of my etiquette teacher's imagination. "Well, at least this was great practice for all the stuff I've learned in my lessons." I was reasonably certain that my tutor wouldn't have been too vexed with my performance if he had been watching. I could picture him watching from the darkness with little binoculars, rating my performance.

And then the solution hit me. Everywhere, and in the darkness. I jumped up, completely forgetting myself. "I know who you haven't met yet."

Jane followed me skeptically, and Kayla with that ever-present bounce in her step.

I wandered around, trying to spot my constant shadow, and it took me two laps of the ballroom to do so. But once I had him in my sights, I pivoted and strode forward.

"Herbert!" I called out. It was his job to be as unobtrusive as possible, but he also couldn't just ignore me if I directly addressed him.

"Yes, Lady Anne?" he asked respectfully.

"I want you to meet someone."

He nodded and looked resigned. Was I wrong, and it wasn't him? Well, if I was, an introduction still wouldn't hurt. "This is my friend, Jane. Jane, this is my bodyguard, Herbert."

"Pleasure to meet you," he said stiffly.

"You, too," she said, gaping at him. I would have bet quite a lot from her expression alone that he was indeed her mate, even if he wasn't at all reacting to her. I wanted to withhold judgment on his behaviour, but I didn't like how stiff he was. Mates were supposed to be weak to each other, and he seemed barely affected if at all. Hardly the romantic first meeting wolves dreamed about.

"We'll give you two a minute alone."

Herbert stopped me. "My duty is to protect you, Lady Anne, so this will have to wait until after my shift."

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