Ch 7: Quantitative Proof

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<This is the best day of my life!>

My wolf was so happy I barely recognized her.  We're was the snarky mind sister I had dealt with for my entire life?

<Just look at him!  I bet he could take down a moose by himself!  And if that's not hot, I don't know what is.>

<Well, he does look tough and I do like his grey fur.  It's my favourite colour,> I agreed diplomatically.

My wolf and I had very different views on what made a male attractive, so it was good that we were lucky enough to get a mate who fulfilled both of our requirements.

Killing large prey did not even come close to making my top one hundred, but making my wolf happy was pretty high on the list, if for no other reason than she tended to offer less critical commentary when she was in a good mood.

Plus, I did love my wolf and it was nice to see her happy, but I never told her that because she would think she could get away with more if I did.  She was a brat like that.  Pierce would have his maw full.

We had let our wolves run for probably an hour.  Finally I said, <Okay, we need to head back.>

<What?  No,> she whined.

<I have a lot of packing to do.>

<We don't need any of that stuff.>

<Yes, we do, because for one, we are not going to walk around naked.>

<You humans and your hang-ups.  If you were meant to be covered in wool you would already be growing it.>

I ignored her opinion.  <If you don't get his attention and turn back, I'll take over and you'll lose the rest of the run.>

She drew out her response like an annoyed child to demonstrate her extreme displeasure with me.  <Fine...>

<<< << < > >> >>>

When we got back to the house I took back over and slipped inside.  I went to my room, shifted, slipped on a housecoat and stealthily snuck out of my room towards the bathroom.

I locked the door behind me and I jumped in the shower.  I hurried through my routine.  I had a lot to do and in truth I was already dying to see Arthur again. He was so wonderful, I mused, as I began to run through my ever growing mental inventory of his many virtues.

I had a stupid smile on my face as I washed my hair, but I just could not make it go away.  It was like my mouth had been flash frozen with all the muscles turning up.

Seriously, it was starting to hurt.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my hair and body in towels.  I cracked open the door, peeked outside to find the hall empty.  I scurried back to my room.

<Darn, I was hoping he would catch you,> my wolf said silkily.

<Who's side are you on?>

<Ours, obviously.>

I rolled my eyes and got dressed in leggings and a sweater.

The sound of the shower running again met my ears when I stepped out of my room.  I ignored my wolf's commentary and took my phone down to the living room to wait.

I sat on the couch and opened my phone.  Kayla and five other people had texted me while Arthur and I had been out running.

Kayla [Seriously, am I dreaming or did I actually meet the prince today in ur living room?????]

How to Survive a Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now