Ch 3: Uncomfortably Comfortable

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Arthur ran down the hall, checking in all the rooms on both sides, but I went straight to my sister's.

There was a shattered picture frame on the floor and she was bawling on her bed loudly with her face buried in her pillow.

"Elle? You okay? Was anyone in here?" I asked.

She turned up her tear stained face towards me. "No, I—"

Her eyes got absurdly wide. Arthur came up behind me and touched my lower back supportively, and it was all I could do not to lean back into it.

"Omigosh, it's true," my sister said as she looked over at him like he was an alien, shocked out of her crying for just a moment. "When I saw the rumour on the Daily Howl, I thought they must be insane. Because if my sister was mated to the crown prince, she would have told me. I know I've been sensitive since..." She trailed off and started crying again.

"Hey, I've known myself for less than an hour. It's insane that this is already in the media."

My mother joined us in Ellen's room. "You still sure about that freedom of the press thing, honey?"

I rolled my eyes at my mother. "Yes, I'm still sure squashing the freedom of the press is a terrible abuse of power."

Arthur whispered, "Well said," in my ear.

I got a ridiculous jolt of pure joy at his words, and also something about his breath in my ear made me ready to melt into a little puddle of happiness.

My sister was still sniffling as she began picking up the shards of glass. "I was so surprised, I knocked this off my desk."

"I only just met him walking past the gas station and was telling dad about it on the phone when you screamed. I would have told you next."

"Good thing my bike was nearly on empty, or I would have driven right by your town," he commented.

My sister smiled with happiness for me and then promptly sniffled again and started crying.

We left the room as our mom sat on the bed to comfort Ellen.

Arthur removed his hand from my back as we walked. "She's very upset." It was a statement, but his eyes asked the question.

"Her mate rejected her. He was already with some chick, and when he found her he didn't even give Ellen a chance."

Arthur looked irritated, but the expression did not make him any less handsome. "I suppose it would be an abuse of power to throw that wolf in prison?"

I laughed. "Yes, unfortunately."

He glanced at me. "Well, if you wanted, we could invite your sister to come live at the castle."

"Really? You can do that?"

"Of course. A change of scenery would probably do her good."

I nodded. "Maybe it will distract her from sitting around and crying while she alternately plots revenge and desperately hopes he'll reconsider."

"Then I'll let you ask her, and if she agrees I'll get the ball rolling. Perhaps in a week?" he asked.

I looked at him suspiciously as we walked down the stairs. "You really are too good to be true."

He grinned. "As are you."

<And he hasn't even properly met me yet.>

I ignored my wolf's commentary and rolled my eyes. "I think you're looking at me through mate coloured glasses, Arthur. You're the most attractive person I've ever seen. Your pictures don't really do you justice. I mean, I knew you were hot, but you're uberhot in person."

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