Chapter 25: Sage Wisdom

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Author's Note:

This chapter was half written when I put this story on hold way back when, so it's half old and half new. And that break has given me tons of time to forget details (proper nouns, timelines, general physical reality) which has never been my strong point to begin with—either in writing or in actual life. I have recently listened through the story several times, but if you catch me writing the wrong name/eye colour/season/whatever please let me know.

On the flip side, the editing should be better, because while #justwriteit—which I was originally trying with this story—works pretty well for me writing, it doesn't work so well for me posting as I go. Also while I'm comfortable with some mistakes (perfection is an unobtainable goal no matter how nice it seems), too many frustrate me. Plus, my grammar/spelling are much better than they used to be. I don't think I'll ever entirely master commas/hyphens, but I'm a heck of a lot closer to good enough than I used to be. I'll be editing old chapters gradually too.

Also, I'm going to italicize the inner wolf/mind link conversations going forward or in edited chapters, but I'll also keep the <> for that dialogue. It's not how anyone else does it, but I did get the idea from a published children's book series my brother used to read (and I of course also read it because it was a book within arm's reach back in the day).

So anyways, if you're seeing this by Friday (Sept 8th—let's have some accountability here girl) my plan succeeded at least insofar as I'm sort back on track with writing. Which is good, because the last year or so has really sucked between writer's block and a lot of medical upheaval although at least I'm finally getting answers for issues that doctors have been dismissing for years. Things are looking up. On the HTSAWR front, the hopeful plan is to build a buffer while publishing one chapter a week on Fridays. (When my Rush partners reach the most recent chapter I'll speed up updates if I've got enough buffer to do so. Let's not get too optimistic here.)

So anyways, here we go.

"Anne Marie Roberts, would you do me the honour of agreeing to marry me?" Arthur's words hung in the air between us.

<Yes!> my wolf practically shrieked, startling me. <Tell him yes at once, human!>

My heart pounded as my tongue completely failed me, and I just stared at my flustered mate kneeling in front of me expectantly. Excitement scattered the needed words, and only Arthur's increasing frown as he waited helped me focus enough to properly respond.

"Of course I will, Arthur. There's nothing I want more than to marry you."

His smile was blinding. With a swift movement he rose to his feet and slipped the ring onto my finger. Then his lips were on mine and he was kissing me, and my heart was slamming so fast I could barely breathe. He had been quite open about his intention to marry me, but at the same time I had not been expecting it quite so soon.

Arthur stopped kissing me, but his hands stayed firmly on my lower back. He met my eyes, our foreheads pressed together. "I'm sorry, Anne. I wanted it to be perfect for you. I was carrying it around while I tried to come up with the perfect way to propose, but then this happened. You deserved something special."

I pulled him closer to me and kissed him to stop him from worrying, and when I broke the kiss, I said, "Have you even met yourself? Everything you do is perfect. This was perfect."

"Well, if you're happy..."

"I am more than happy." My heart was pounding with my excitement. If I were any happier, I'd probably keel over. Death by pure joy. It might be a good way to go, but I wanted a lot more time with Arthur before anything like that happened.

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