Chapter 37: Delusions Grow

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The night wasn't going better than expected, but I was pretty sure I'd been handling things okay considering. I'd almost felt compelled to deal with Alpha Xavier even though I hadn't been quite sure that it was my place. I'd imagined him to be huge and aggressive, and he was, but he also just didn't seem to know what he was doing. I'd have to ask for a report from the guards who had accompanied Fleur and him for a talk.

Realistically, mates almost always ended up back together no matter what nonsense they did to each other, so I could only hope that maybe they'd just communicate a bit more since it was most likely inevitable.

Truthfully, I was feeling pretty good. I'd never really used the power of my wolf much before, but it was feeling more and more natural. And, if it forced stubborn wolves to listen to reason, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

{It's about time you learned your place, human.} My wolf sounded smug.

{You know people are usually dumping their rivals in the dirt when they say that, right?}

{Well, then I am in an unusual situation where my human refuses to use what is naturally hers by right. Or, perhaps she's learning, and I shouldn't complain. What was that thing you kept yammering on about? Positive reinforcement? Yes, human, you've done quite well considering that you are you.}

{Wow, my heart might just melt if you keep it up.}

{Sass all you like, human, it doesn't change the truth. And that truth is, you like power.}

I paused. {What? That's not what I—}

{Argue all you like, you know it's true.}

{I don't want to be a tyrant.}

My wolf tilted her head. {Then don't be one. Stepping in to mediate disputes with a touch of power is perfectly—}

There was a commotion from the other end of the ballroom. My first thought was that Xavier was causing difficulty, but then the king abruptly rose from his throne. "Liam," he said, the words little more than a hiss.  The music ceased, and all the conversation dwindled as the various ranked wolves realized the invasion into the festivities.

I knew the alpha who was Liam by sight from my studies, but in reality he was far more intimidating than his two-dimensional picture. Platinum blond hair contrasted severely with eyes so dark they were nearly black, and he was probably at least ten years older than Arthur judging by the timeline I knew. Similar to my mate, power radiated off of him, but not the calm controlled energy I was used to but rather a violent storm that might sweep away anything that got in his path. Was it the loss of his mate that had made him like this, or was this nature what had caused the loss of his mate?

Not that it mattered. He was clearly unhinged, and the group of ominous warriors from his pack fanning out behind him made the situation only more fraught with risk. I wasn't the only one who could see it. Almost every guest who was attending the ball had either fled for the exits or had scurried away to the furthest corners of the ball room. Most of the servants had fled, but Percival loyally remained off to the side with a stony expression written across his features.

Arthur stood up and took one step towards Liam at the clear challenge. I bit my tongue at his movement and dug my fingers into the skirts of the dress. It was his place, no matter how much I didn't like the idea.

The queen stayed where she was, as elegant as ever, but her icy blue frown never deviated from the intruder. She'd seemed either amused or vexed at all the other drama, so her reaction made me think the situation was more serious. She glanced towards the king as if looking for direction or watching to see what he would do.

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