Chapter 32: Get Revenge

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When Arthur had left, he'd also left me with a nagging worry that I continued to carry for hours. I knew he'd dealt with rogue attacks before, but something in his mannerism made me think it was more serious than usual.

Fortunately, I wasn't left to completely wallow in my anxiety, because my sister had joined me in my lessons for the day, since she'd apparently decided that she'd had enough lazing—she called it, although I thought moping was a more accurate term—around. We were finally given a break by my tutor, and were walking down one of the halls to get a snack. I could have had someone bring it to me, but I just needed an excuse to move around a bit.

She was scrolling through her phone. "Oh, look, another article about you."

"Ugh." My tutor probably had a chill run up his spine at my uncouth noise, but who cared? Ellen would always just be my sister. There was no one to hear but her and the guard who had replaced Herbert.

She was quiet for a moment while she read. "This one's not actually that bad. They're just speculating that you might be pregnant since you're hurrying the wedding."

"Her Majesty predicted that." That woman really had it all together. Nothing seemed to catch her off guard except for my lack of drama. I wanted to be like her some day.

She nodded. "They're also guessing that it's going to be twins, and what their names might be."

"Sheesh, we haven't even slept together yet. I mean, slept-slept, not regular sleeping."

She looked at me with surprise. "Really? Wow, Prince Arthur must have more restraint than any other wolf alive."

"He really does. It's all because of that stupid promise he made to Dad."

"Maybe you could ask Dad to give Arthur the okay."

"That is like surpassing every level of weird. Picture this: 'Hey Dad, my mate won't have sex with me because he promised you he'd wait until the wedding. Could you just tell him you don't care anymore?'"

Ellen chuckled. "He'd faint."

"Exactly. And I doubt that Arthur would even budge then, because of honour or something like that."

Jane called out our names as she caught up from behind us. I'd had her stay at the palace while she figured out the mess with Herbert. Maybe I could have her join my lessons, they were better when other people were there with me because misery loved company.

"How are you doing?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "Don't really want to talk about it right now. What was this about waiting until the wedding?"

"Suffice to say, I am definitely not pregnant, because honour honour something something."

She looked sad. "Honour? I wonder if that's Herbert's problem."

"Maybe." I didn't know what his problem was any more than I knew how everyone managed to over-complicate what should be the simplest relationships in the world.

We reached a junction of the halls, and my sister's head swivelled down one. I followed her gaze to a nearly naked Lucas. He was back, which meant my mate probably was, too, although he hadn't said a word to me. But even my slight disappointment at that oversight couldn't mitigate my confusion. What was Lucas doing running around in just a towel through the halls? Surely it wasn't some stupid dare, Arthur was far too dignified for that. Whatever the reason, I could only imagine the queen's reaction if she came upon him barely dressed like that.

Jane too had followed Ellen's attention, and she was blushing even though she didn't seem impressed, which made sense because to her he probably paled in comparison to Herbert. That wasn't the troubling part. One look at my sister's face confirmed that she really was at least physically interested in Lucas, without even the aid of a mate bond. I didn't blame her, his toned abs probably bumped him up to an eleven out of ten on the hotness scale. Of course, even that was negligible compared to Arthur's fifty-six.

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