[AU] Loves Sweet Melody (Clara's POV)

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The crowd erupts into an explosion of screaming and cheers as I sing my final note and the song comes to a close "Thank you! Thank you! Goodnight Los Angeles!" I call out to the thousands of people calling my name, earning even more cheers. Their screams and shouts become muffled as the lights dim and the curtain drops.

"Excellent show Clara, brilliant as ever!" My manager walks up to me expressing his delight at my performance.

"Thank you." I reply simply.

"Whoops I've got to take this." He says holding his hand to the Bluetooth device that was in his ear. "You were amazing, ciao!" He says walking away, talking to whoever it was on the phone. My personal assistant then runs up to me.

"I've got your cup of coffee and your jacket right here Miss Clara." He says attentively. I extend my arm so that he can slip the large fluffy winter jacket onto my shoulders and place the cup of coffee into my hand as we walked.

"A-and your sunglasses Miss" he hands me my sunglasses, which I then place onto my face in preparation for going outside. I pause and take a breath before placing my hand to the door.

"Let's go." I say before he opens the door and holds it open for me. The sounds of shutter clicks and the flashes of light echo their way across my peripheral vision as I make my way to the limousine parked roughly 10 feet away. My PA scurries back to my side as the chauffeur opens the door for me and he jumps in beside me. The chauffeur then closes the door and proceeds to drive off, leaving the paparazzi and screaming fans behind.

"Might I say you looked fantastic this evening Miss Clara?" I take off my sunglasses so I can see him more clearly and notice that he has gone red in the face.

"Why thank you, uh..." Damn, I always fail to remember the name of my assistant.

"Danny, Miss." He fills in, he seemed somewhat hurt that I could not remember his name, but I'm sure he understands that I have a lot to deal with.

"Ah right Danny, thank you."

"You're welcome miss." I smile his way and begin to think to myself. I should really make more of an effort with him. He does so much for me, and what do I give him in return? Nothing. Well I pay him, and he gets to spend all day, every day with moi, thats enough right? No it isn't. He deserves something more. But what?

"Dav- er- Danny? What do you want? In general I mean." I ask him.

"Oh I don't want anything miss. I have all I could ever want right here, a wonderful job... And... Uh... Well... My job is sort of all I have, but you get what I mean."

"Don't you have a family? You know, a wife? Kids?" I ask, trying to get an inside view on his life outside of me.

He laughs a little. "No, no it's just me I'm afraid."

"Really?" I ask shocked. I come to realise in this moment though that I really don't have anyone either, I have assistants and people all around me, but I haven't spoken to my family in years. He simply shrugs, showing that he doesn't want to talk about it.

There was an awkward silence in the car from then on, with each passing second the pressure to say something weighed down on me even more. The limo pulls into her driveway, the chauffeur opens the door.

"Why don't you come in for a while? I ask him hopeful for some company.

"Oh, no, I couldn't. I shouldn't" he replies shyly.

"Please." I ask simply, looking directly into his deep brown eyes. His cheeks become very red.

"Well... If you insist..." He replies quietly.

"Yay!" I grab his arm and he follows me into the out of the car and into my home.

He looks around in awe as we step into the entrance hall. "Your house is amazing!" He gushes.

I thank him for the compliment just as my dog runs in. My beautiful husky stops and stares at Danny, teeth bared and growling.

"Kit!" I shout warningly at the dog. "Be nice, he's with me." Kit immediately walks up to Danny, sniffing him to check that he isn't dangerous. Before sitting down and looking up at him kindly.

"Nice doggy?" Danny says reaching to pay his head.

"Sorry about that, this is Kitsune, he's sort of a guard dog. He's lovely really."

"It's okay, I like dogs." Danny says smiling, scratching Kit behind the ear, causing this leg to shake. Clara and Danny both giggle at the dog.

"Come on, let's go through to the living room." I say. Danny and Kit follow me through. I sit on the sofa, patting the cushion next to me, gesturing to Danny to sit down. He sits nervously, perching himself on the seat next to me. Kit jumps up, laying down on my lap, Kit is a rather big dog, so his head is resting on Danny's knee.

We begin to talk, about what I don't even remember. But for hours we just sat, and chatted. As time went on, Danny began to relax, and feel more comfortable around me. This made me realise that maybe Danny is more to me than an assistant, more than a friend even.

All of a sudden, Kit jumps up off of my lap and onto the sofa beside Danny. He then begins to try and push Danny closer to me.

"What's he doing?" Danny asks laughing.

"I don't know! He's never done it to anyone before. I think he wants you to move over." I answer, laughing too. Danny shuffles across the sofa, until Kit is happy with how close we are. He then stops nudging Danny and lays down across the both of us. "Silly dog." I say to him, patting his head softly.

I suddenly became very aware of just how close we were sitting and I think so did Danny, as he moved his leg so that our knees were no longer touching. This left me feeling slightly cold and uncomfortable, so I moved my leg so that our knees connected again. I love being close to him. He makes me feel safe, more than any body guard."

"Clara..." Danny starts.

"Shh it's okay." I comfort him.

"But..." He stops short. He's looking down at me, and I'm looking up at him. I know very clearly what I'm going to do next, and I think so does he.

I lean in, close enough that I can feel his warm breath on my skin.

"Clara..." Is all he managed to say before I'd closed the gap and connected our lips. He was still for a moment, presumably from shock, but soon begin to kiss me back. The kiss was soft and sweet, like nothing i'd ever experienced before. It seemed to go on forever, not that I minded. When we finally did break apart, gasping for air, Danny speaks, "this is officially the best day of my life." He says flustered.

"Mine too."


Tada! An update! Yay! Keep reading because there's a few things I want to say real quick.

1. Thank you all so much for 2k reads! That is an insane amount of people who've read my stories and I am so so grateful to every single one! So if you are actually reading this, thank you!

2. There are two people I want to thank, the first of course being my lovely whoufflegirl11 who is super duper awesome and adorable and I love her so much! But she's leaving me for a week to go too camp so I'm going to miss her a lot :( go send her love so she when she comes back she'll be super happy :) She is also an incredible writer so if you haven't already, check out her fics because they are really great! Love ya Rina! x

The second person I want to thank is @R_bribriona because they have been super nice to me and they are just lovely :D also check out their fic RUN because it's really good, I'm halfway through it and the drama is real folks!

I think that's all from me, next oneshot will be up soon and don't forget to check out my other fanfics if you enjoyed this one :D

Be happy and don't be lasagne!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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