Tinsel, Tiptoes and Twinkle Lights (Clara's POV)

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I let out a deep breath as I place the last of the boxes marked "XMAS DECORATIONS" in the the living room, I'll not open them yet, I'll wait until Danny gets here. I invited him round to give me a hand. Partly because I'm to short to reach the top of the tree, but mostly because I want to spend the day with him.

As if on cue, the doorbell rings. I skip over to open it, answering the door with a wide smile as I see my gorgeous boyfriend beaming back at me. I throw myself into his arms. He holds me tightly. He gives me a kiss on the cheek as I stand back again. Blushing, I invite him into my home. "Do you want to get started?" I ask him, gesturing to the boxes on the floor.

"Sure." He replies with a smile. I sit down on the floor and he sits beside me as we begin to break the parcel tape with a pair of scissors. I marvel as I open my box, which contains tinsel, colourful, sparkling and bright. Danny's box contains the lights for the tree. I watch him pull them out, with the entire contents of the box being lifted out in a tangled mess. "Umm..." I can't help but laugh. I move closer to him and start pulling at the cables and so does he, trying to sort out the lights.

After about ten minutes, we are no closer to loosening the knots but are thoroughly entangled in a mess of lights and limbs. "Umm Danny..." I start. "I don't think this is working" I giggle.

"Yeah me neither, hold on let's try and get out of this." He replies.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I ask him.

"Umm... Okay, where's the end part?"

"Which end part?"

"The bit with the plug."

"Oh right! Umm..." I search around and find the plug dangling from my arm. "Here it is!"

"Try putting that through here" he holds up a loop of lights which somehow ended up around his chest. I loop it through and it seems to loosen. We continue further and eventually manage to get ourselves and the lights untangled.

"Hurray!" I exclaim, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. He laughs brightly.

"Come on, let's get these on the tree before they tangle themselves again." He says. I giggle and follow him to the tree. He begins to wrap them around the top of the tree, then hands them to me to get the lower branches. Once the lights are all in the right place, Danny plugs them into the wall. "Moment of truth." He says, holding his finger over the switch. He flicks it and the tree begins to glow brightly with colour.

"It's amazing!" I have to refrain from jumping up and down in excitement. "Tinsel next!" Tinsel is my favourite. It's so sparkly and beautiful, it always makes me feel happy. I start to pull some out and so does Danny, winding them around the tree so that they glitter and sparkle against the lights. Beautiful.

"Which box are your baubles in?" Danny asks when we're finished.

"Umm... That one I think..." I say, gesturing to one of the boxes on the floor.

"Okay" Danny says, kissing my cheek as he passes me to the box. Using his pair of scissor he carefully breaks the tape over the top of the box. Lifting the flaps to reveal baubles shimmering with gold and silver glitter.

"Yay!" I squeal, excitedly. "Let's get these on the tree." Danny laughs at my excitement.

"Come on then" he says, grabbing some silver balls from the box and hanging them from the top of the tree. I grab some to and start placing them lower down.

After no time at all, the tree is finished, covered in lights, tinsel and baubles, it looks amazing. All that's left now is the star for the top. I carefully take it out of the box and hold it in my hands. I walk up to the tree, pondering for a moment as to how I will get it up there, Danny will have to do it.

I squeal as I feel a pair of hands around my waist, lifting me up. I laugh hard as I put the star on top of the tree. It looks beautiful. I squeal again as he drops me, catching me in a bridal position. I hold tight to him, still in shock, while he laughs loudly. "Danny don't do that! You scared me!" I shout at him whilst burying my head into his shoulder.

"Aww, I'm sorry." He giggles, placing a kiss to my forehead. I can't help but smile.

"You are forgiven." I say "now put me down."

"As you wish." Danny replies before dropping me on the sofa, unprepared for this, I land in a tangle of my own limbs. I sort myself out. Sitting upright on the sofa, bringing my knees to my chest and folding my arms around them. I give him a look of 'if I didn't love you, you'd be totally dead right now." He just laughs brightly and soon I start to smile too.

"How about I made some tea?" He asks. "Will that make it better?"

"Only if there's biscuits." I reply, smiling cheekily up at him.

"Coming right up!" He says before wandering through to the kitchen.

There is still a box unopened in my living room so I decide to open it while I wait. Santa hats, Christmas cards, mistletoe, holly...


I feel a smile spread across my face as I pick up the plant and walk through to the hallway, standing back against the doorway to the kitchen, hand behind my back.

"Danny..." I purr to him, still smiling.


"Can you give me a hand with this? I can't reach..." I can hear the mock sadness ringing in my own voice.

"Sure thing." He puts down the kettle and innocently walks over to me, I hand him the plant, he reaches it high above our heads so to attach it to the doorframe. Before he has a chance to do so, I stand up on my tiptoes, grabbing him by the collar and colliding my lips to his, he is clearly shocked but kisses back without hesitation. I snake my hands around the back of his neck while his stay firmly planted on my waist. He smiles against my lips and starts to laughs. I break away and look at him.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

"That was so cheesy." He replies through giggles.

"It was not! Stop laughing!"

"Make me."

I silence him by crashing my lips to his once more. He stops laughing as he kisses back.

I win.


Hi everyone! So here is another Christmassy oneshot! I hope you liked it, I personally think it's kinda crappy but hey! I wrote this over a few different days and it feels kinda off... Idk... Not so proud of this one but shoot me imma post it anyway!

I am super excited for Christmas! But also really scared for Last Christmas...

Be happy and don't be lasagne!

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