Baby It's Cold Outside (Clara's POV)

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Danny will be here soon! Gotta hurry!

I sit at my mirror, perfecting my hair, my usual style with loose curls and a cute hair clip featuring a sprig of holly, for it is after all, Christmas time. Danny is taking me out to dinner tonight and I want everything to be perfect.

I look at the glittering tinsel edging my mirror and feeling the spirit I start to hum the tune to one of my favourite Christmas songs.

"I really can't stay..." I start quietly as I perfect my eyeliner.

"I've got to go away..."

"This evening has been..."

"So very nice..."

I am lost, I don't even notice the front door open.

"My mother will start to worry..." I let the words roll of my tongue as I sing.

"So really I'd better scurry..." I don't notice the footsteps on the stairs.

"The neighbours might think..." I don't notice the creak of my bedroom door opening.

"I wish I knew how... To break this spell..." I don't notice the man leaning on the doorframe.

"I ought to say no no no sir..." I don't notice the smirk plastered on his face.

"Mind if I move in closer?" I don't notice the baritone voice join in.

"At least I'm going to say that I tried..."

"What's the sense in hurting my pride?"

"I really can't stay..."

"Baby don't hold out..."

I hear him as we harmonise on the chorus.

"Baby it's cold outside!"

I see his reflection in the mirror as the last words leave my mouth. My breath hitches as I understand what was happening.

He heard me.

All the colour drains from my face, except from my cheeks which glow bright red. I spin round to face him, smiling in the doorway.

"That was fun." He says. "Let's do it again." I think I might die of embarrassment.

I groan loudly and drop my head to the table with a loud thud. He just laughs.

"Your voice," he starts. "Like the rest of you." He continues. "Is beautiful."

There is so much heat coming from my cheeks I fear I may set the table on fire. I lift my head up in defeat, letting my hair flop over my face as he stands behind me. He places his hands softly on my shoulders and leans down and kisses my cheek, filling me with butterflies. I stand up and spin towards him, his hands slide down to my waist.

"Shut up." I tell him, looking up into his deep brown eyes. He is about to respond when I hold him by the collar and crash my lips to his. He is startled at first but kisses back after a moment.

When we finally come up for air I hold my hand out to him. "Now you will take me out to dinner, and you will never speak of this again." I tell him.

He takes my hand. "Onwards then m'lady" I giggle as he kisses the back of my hand and leads me out of the door and into the night.


OH MY GIDDY AUNT IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!! AAAAAAAAH!!! Oh my gosh guys! Can you tell I'm excited? I'm really excited :D I hope you guys all have an AMAZING Christmas! And I hope the Christmas special doesn't kill to many of you...

Be happy, don't be lasagne and HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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