Soufflé Girl (Danny's POV)

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I ring the doorbell of my girlfriends house. "Coming!" I hear her call from inside. I see her beautiful brown eyes light up as she opens the door. "Danny!" She exclaims, "I mean, ahem, Danny hi, I wasn't expecting to see you here" she leans agains the doorframe in an attempt to seem casual. She is so cute.

"Well... I was in the neighbourhood and I decided to stop by. I'm not interrupting anything am I?" I reply. That's only a bit true... I just really wanted to see her, I miss my Clara.

"No, no I was just cooking, please come in." She says with an adorable smile. I now notice that she is wearing a pink apron which is entirely covered in flour. I follow her inside, slip off my shoes and walk on over to the kitchen to see Clara prodding a bowl of... Stuff with a wooden spoon.

"What's cooking good looking?" I say with a charming smile. Hugging her from behind.

"Soufflé" Clara says proudly "I'll have you know I am rather well known for my soufflé, Soufflé Girl in fact." I have seen a few soufflés in my time, and I'm pretty sure they are not supposed to look like that.

"Right, ok yeah, Soufflé Girl I like it"

There is silence for a moment.

"Danny?" Clara says, looking at the bowl.


"I might have lied about being good at making soufflés."

"Yeah I guessed as much" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. My hand on her waist. "Want some help?" She nods. I pull out my phone and google a soufflé recipe, once I've found a good one I start gathering the ingredients listed while Clara finds a new bowl. We measure out the flour and eggs and other ingredients. Clara starts to mix them together. She really is terrible. The mixture is spilling over the sides of the bowl and onto her kitchen counter. "Slowly" I say. I stand behind her, holding her small hand, slowly stirring the mixture. I place my other hand on hers, which is holding the bowl steady. She giggles. She is too freaking cute. I can't stand it. "Hey I think we're done."

"Woohoo!" Clara exclaims.

"Now we've just got to pop it in the oven." I grab the bowl, pour the mixture into a dish and place it into the oven, Clara sets the timer.

"We've done it!" Clara shouts giving me a tight hug. I hug her back. She looks up at me, those big brown eyes luring me to her like a moth to a flame. "Thank you" she says quietly, standing up on her tip toes so that our noses touching.

"You're welcome" I say. Our lips connect, her hands up around my neck, mine firmly on her waist. We stay there, kissing in the kitchen for a few minutes. Finally we pull apart I look into her eyes, and she looks into mine "I love you" I say.

"I love you too."

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