Paws and Pink (Clara's POV)

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I try as hard as I can to ignore the bubbles in my stomach as I sit on my sofa, waiting for Danny to be ready. At Christmas, Danny gave me permission to own a cat and today we are going to pick one out.

I watch him walk down the stairs, he approaches me with a smile. "You ready to go?" He asks. I jump up from the sofa.

"Yes! So ready!" I don't even make an attempt to contain my excitement.

He laughs a little at me, "okay, come on then." He says as we begin to walk out to the car. Danny gets in the drivers side and I sit in the passenger seat.

As we start driving, Danny puts his hand on mine, which is resting on my leg. I smile even wider (if that's even possible) when he does this.

Fairly soon we arrive at the animal shelter. I cannot describe the bubbles in my stomach as we step out of the car, it's like I'm about to pop like the cork on a champagne bottle. He takes my hand again as we walk through the doors. I grip his fingers tightly.

We are greeted with a smile by the woman at the desk. "Hi there, how can I help you?"

"Hi, we'd like to adopt a kitten." Danny says.

"Certainly, this way." The woman stands up from the desk and we follow her through to the room where they keep the cats. We walk through the double doors to a chorus of mews. "Here they are." The woman says as we reach the cage containing the kittens. I kneel down to get a better look at the kittens. They are all so cute! However will I choose? Then I spot it. A small calico near the back, with ginger ears, a white nose and a black patch covering the left side of it's face.

"Look at that one!" I say to Danny, pointing towards the cat. Danny kneels down next to me and looks in the direction of my finger.

"Which one babe? The little one at the back there? I can't really see."

"I can take him out for you if you like, so you can have a better look." The lady says kindly.

"Yes please." I reply. The lady takes him out of the cage and sets him on the floor in front of us. He walks up to me and stands looking up at me, with his paws on my knee.

I can't contain an "aww" that slips out of my mouth. I stroke him between the ears.

"He's really cute." Danny says stroking the cat under his chin. The kitten purrs to our touch, wiggling his little nose. "He could be the one, what do you think?"

"I think he's perfect." I reply.

"Well you can take him home today if you like." The woman says. I almost forgot she was standing there. I look up to Danny for an answer and he nods his head, smiling.

"Yes, that would be great, thank you." A large grin spreading across my face. The woman picks up the kitten. Danny and I both stand up.

"Okie doke!" The lady says with a smile. "If you'll just follow me, we can fill out the paperwork." Danny takes my hand and squeezes it gently as we follow the lady. I squeeze his in return.

After what seems like forever of filling out all the required forms, we finally get to take our little kitten home. I carry him in my arms, his fuzzy head nestled into my chin. Danny opens the car boot and I gently put him in the carrier we put in there this morning.

"I can't believe we've got a kitten!" I say excitedly to Danny as I get into the passenger side of the car. He laughs a little.

"Me neither!" He says smiling. "You're so cute when your excited."

"Shut up!" I say jokingly.

"Make me."

I lean in and kiss him gently. "That'll do it." He says and I giggle. He starts the car and we begin our journey home. His hand on mine once again.

Once we arrive home, I hop out of the car and open the boot, earning me a small 'mew' from the kitten. Danny smiles at me and picks up the carrier.

We take the cat into the living room and open the carrier. The kitten is apprehensive at first but is soon running around, exploring the living room.

Danny and I sit on the sofa watching him. "We'll have to think of a name for him." Danny says.

"How about..." I pause for a moment, in thought. "Rupert!" Danny glares at me, but with that cheeky smile on his face.

"Really?..." He says.

"No, I'm just kidding." We both laugh. "How about... Leo? Harry?"

"I like Harry." Says Danny.

"Harry it is then!" At that moment, Harry walks over, looks up at us, gives us a mew, and then leaps up onto the sofa, purring as he curls himself up beside us. I snuggle closer to Danny, while stroking Harry behind the ears. Danny wraps his arm around my waist and slowly, all three of us begin to fall asleep.


Hi everyone! Sorry this one took so long to be finished, I have been pretty busy not studying for my prelims... Hopefully the next one won't take as long!

The idea for this one was given to my by my good friend @MerWhoLockedGirl so yeah! WOOP!

Be happy and don't be lasagne!

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