Always and Forever (Danny's POV)

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"Excuse me?" I ask the girl at the desk, smiling polietly as she turns to serve me.

"Yes sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

I stop for a moment and look at the display cabinet in front of me.

"Would I be able to get number 37, with an engravement?"

"Of course! What's the engravement?"

I can't help but let lovesick thoughts float through my mind as I say the words, the same smile on my face as I pay and leave the shop, a grin on my face as I think of her. Clara, the most beautiful girl in the world with a perfect laugh and a sweet smile, a lovely voice and the girl I love.


It's Christmas Eve, and Clara snuggles under the covers in her cosy pajamas as we talk quietly, but I'm distracted.

I plan to do it, at midnight. I know she would want it simple, sweet. I look at the clock, seeing that it's 11.59. My hands shake as I excuse myself to the bathroom, getting the small box out of the place I kept it hidden. I hurry back through, seeing the clock just strike midnight.

"Clara?" I ask as I walk back through and she sits up as I lower myself on the bed.

"I love you, so much. You make me so happy and I couldn't live without you. I need you forever, so this is why I have to ask you."

I get off the bed and rest on one knee, pulling the ring out my pocket.

"Clara Oswald, will you marry me?" I take a shaky breath, and watch as tears fill her eyes, momentarily heartbroken before a smile breaks over her face and she screams happily before jumping into my arms.

"Yes!!! Danny, yes, I love you!"

I smile, so full of happiness and love as I take the ring out the box and slip it on her finger.

She looks at the engraving, the words I knew meant everything to us.

"Always and forever."

We both climb back into bed, cuddling together as I hold her hand, my thumb drawing slow circles on her hand.

I smile as my finger brushes the ring, and I all asleep with my beautiful fiancee.


Hi guys! So yeah this oneshot was written by my friend @TroylerLoveNutella so yeah all rights and such to her :) I really hope you enjoyed it and the next one should be up soon hopefully... Does anyone actually read these? Comment if you do :) also I was requested to keep the goat so I called him Larry, he can be our mascot :D

so since my friend wrote this, here is an a/n from her :)

Be happy and don't be lasagne!


Hey babes!

So this is @TroylerLoveNutella and I WROTE FLUFF. I usually do angst (shuddup Jasmine) but here is some fluffity fluff. Plus me and Jasmine (@scarfs_and_bowties) may be doing a Pink Soufflé/Troyler double date soooo ( @TeamClara worship us) If you like youtubers go to my profile, and soon I'll be writing a Doctor Who/Sherlock oneshot book (probs angst maybe fluff.)

Hmmm well ily and dubai!! Xx

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