Stay With Me (Clara's POV)

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All I can do is stand and watch. Watch in horror at the scene in front of me. I see Danny, my love, my everything. His phone held to his ear, he smiles. I wonder who he is talking to... I see it before it happens.

"DANNY!" I scream out to him. "DANNY LOOK WHERE YOU ARE GOING!" He cannot hear me. I scream to him louder and louder but he doesn't even acknowledge me.

The car hits.

I sit bolt upright, shaking violently and covered in sweat. A tear rolls down my cheek. I clutch my duvet to my chest and bring my knees up, I sit there still, in a panic. I tell myself over and over, it's not real, it's not real, it's not real, but I still cannot help but think... What if it was?

I grab my phone off of my bedside table and call my boyfriend. It's ringing. My worry grows with each second that he doesn't pick up. But then he does. I can feel my entire body relax as I hear his voice. "Clara? What happened? What's wrong?" I suddenly feel really guilty, I woke him up and made him worry.

"Oh... Nothing..." I tell him.

"Clara it's... 2:36am, you wouldn't have called me at this time if it wasn't important." He replies skeptically.

"I just... Needed to check that you were ok..." I said quietly.

"Of course I'm ok... Why wouldn't I be?" He replies reassuringly. "What happened?"

"It's nothing..." I say again. "Just a silly dream."

"It obviously isn't Clara... Do you want me to come over?"


"No... No... I'm fine, I feel bad for waking you..."

"I'm coming over anyway... See you in ten minutes, love you" he says hurriedly and hangs up the phone.

I don't move, I just sit there and wait for him, still shaking in the dark. I switch on the light and look around the room, amusing myself, trying to take my mind off of what went on in my head.

After a while I hear a knock at the door, then the sound of it being unlocked then opened. "Clara?" I hear him call.

"I'm upstairs." I call back. I listen to the sound of him bounding up the stairs. He has too much energy for this time of night. He peeks his head round the door to my bedroom. "Hi." I say quietly.

"Hey, you okay?" He replies.

"Yeah..." I sigh. "I guess..."

"No you're not..." He walks over and sits down on the bed beside me. "Come here" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I return by leaning in to him, resting my head where it fits so perfectly in the crook of his neck, snaking my arms around him until they meet at his side.

All he is consumes me. The warmth of his chest against me. The softness of his skin. The steady rise and fall of his rib cage with each breath. His ever present air of protection. All the things I thought I'd lost. I think back to the dream and start to cry. I try to hold it back but I can't. I just sit with him, crying quietly. He brings his other arm around until it sits on my waist. He hugs me tighter.

"I thought..." I start through tears "I thought I'd lost you." I sob harder when I tell him that.

"It's okay..." He comforts me "I'm here... I will always be here for you..."

"I know... I know that... I do... I just..."

"I know... It's okay..." His soft words comfort me. "You should probably get some sleep. We've got work tomorrow."

"You're right..." I reply hesitantly "but... Danny?"


"Will you stay with me?"

"Of course." He replies. I lift up the edge of my blanket and he slides in beside me. He turns to face me, catching me off guard when he softly places his lips to mine. After a second I kiss back, soft and gentle like we're floating on our own little cloud. After all too soon he breaks away. "Sweet dreams."

"Thank you" I tell him, kissing him on the cheek before snuggling my head into his chest. "For everything."

"Anything for my girl." He replies hugging me tighter. "I love you"

"I love you too" I reply relishing the warmth I can feel in my chest. The special kind you get when you know you're loved. I begin to feel my self drifting, slowly to sleep thinking thoughts of him and him only.

My Danny.


Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot I wrote, sorry it's so short, I have an idea for my next one which hopefully should be longer and up soon so stick around for that. :)

Also, 500 reads! I can't believe it! I am literally so happy, I honestly never thought it would get this popular! A massive thank you to everyone who reads, votes and comments. You literally made my day so thank you all for that.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been pretty busy with school and such, hopefully the next one should be up soon.

Stay happy and don't be lasagne!

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